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How to Sleep with a Cold?

Sleeping with Cold

The chilly winter months are known to breed flu, common cold, and other annoying infections and viruses. If you are one of those unlucky ones to contract one or more of these winter illnesses, you know how difficult it is to get some sound sleep while you are constantly getting those sniffles and coughs. Well, there are some simple solutions to get a peaceful night’s sleep while battling with common cold and cough.

Take a Steamy Hot Bath

Taking hot steam in the shower can prove to be effective in opening your nasal passages while loosening the dried mucous and cleaning the airways. It is also a good way to relax and wind down before hitting the bed. The body becomes cold when you have a cold, and a steamy shower can help you to energize and reduce the symptoms of a blocked nose and running sinuses while making the nasal muscles relaxed.

Sip Some Tea with Honey

Just like a bowl of hot soup, a hot beverage can also loosen the mucus from your sinuses. But not all hot beverages will give out the same results as some hot tea with honey. Adding honey to tea not only helps in soothing a sore throat but can also prove to be effective as a cough suppressant to help you get rid of that sore throat.

A Humidifier or Vaporizer Can Work Wonders

Dry air and the cold season go hand in hand. Under such weather conditions, a good vaporizer or humidifier can add the required moisture into the air and soothe the sinuses. But it is necessary to clean the humidifier regularly to avoid making it the breeding ground for mold and bacteria. Change the water daily and clean the tank every couple of days to keep it clean. If there is a child inside the room, use a cool-mist vaporizer as warm mist units can cause burns to children who get too close to it.

Maintain an Optimal Sleep Environment

Just because you have a cold, don’t be tempted to overheat the room. Keep the room temperature at normal levels and stack up blankets so that you can remove them if you begin to overheat. It is also important to maintain the humidity of the room. Combine that with a good humidifier and you are sure to get a problem-free sleep at night.

Reconsider Your Sleep Position

Some people think that stacking an extra pillow under their head can provide relief from the cold and flu and help them get better sleep. But this can make the situation even worse by causing the head to sag forward and worsening the breathing problem. Instead, you can use a foam wedge that will help to raise your upper body, letting the nasal packages drain. Don’t lay on your back as it may worsen postnasal drip. Sleep on the side opposite to that of your blocked nose.

Stay Hydrated

Depriving the body of adequate fluid can make your nasal cavities dry. It is necessary to keep the body well-hydrated so that the entire respiratory system stays wet and prevent any breathing problems. You can also sip a hot caffeine-free beverage to give your throat some relief during bedtime. It will provide you with a short relief period during which you can slip off to slumber.

Try Out Some Over-the-Counter Remedies

Whether you are feeling hot, stuffy, and achy or any uneasiness due to cough and cold, you can always reach out for some over-the-counter medications. If the condition is severe, consider seeking medical advice from a doctor or an ear and teeth specialist. Some medications can escalate the problem if not taken at the right dosage. You can also ask a pharmacist to get the right solution for your cough, cold, or sinus problem.

Prepare Yourself for the Night’s Sleep

If you find yourself maintaining a relaxed posture, tossing and turning in bed, get out of your bed, and engage in some other activity. You can read a book by dimming the room lights or listen to some soothing music. Get into some low-intensity activity unless you feel sleepy. Don’t go to bed until you are feeling sleepy to promote healthier sleep habits throughout the year.

Things to Avoid

Besides the effective tips for sleeping with a cold, there are some don’ts that you should keep in mind to avoid making the situation even more complicated.

  • Refrain from drinking alcohol as it will dry out your breathing passage and making it difficult for you to breathe. Also, it can swell up your sinuses and react adversely with your cold and flu problems.
  • Don’t engage in any high-intensity activity as it will interfere with your sleeping routine and make it difficult for you to sleep.
  • You cannot force yourself to sleep. So, don’t lie down forcefully expecting that sleep will come off naturally. Read a book or listen to some soothing music.
  • Don’t use any gadget or digital device that will impact the release of melatonin by the body. Devices that are known to emit blue light can severely interfere with your sleep routine.
  • Many people think that overheating the room will help them combat the common cold and get a better night’s sleep. But that is a complete myth as it might lead to night sweat and make you wake up in the middle of your sleep. Maintain normal room temperature to set the stage for a relaxed night’s sleep.


The good news is that common cold and flu will not last for more than a few days, or at most a week. Although they are irritating and uncomfortable, they are your on-and-off companion. Just make sure that you take some precautionary measures and necessary steps to help you combat the irritation when they occur. It will improve your health condition and help you to get rid of such problems quickly for a calm and relaxed night’s sleep.


How to Fall Asleep Faster – 10 Tried and Tested Tips

How to fall asleep faster

It happens to the best of us – we have an early start the next day but are unable to fall asleep. We lie in bed, staring at the ceiling, and listening to the ticking clock as the night refuses to end. For some people, it happens every day, and for others, it happens when they are too tired or stressed, and their brains simply won’t shut up. The most interesting – and frustrating -thing about not being able to fall asleep is that the more you think about it, the harder it is for sleep to come.

Does that mean you have a sleep disorder? Yes and no. Some people have trouble falling asleep when they have a lot on their minds or when they are too stressed or excited. However, if this is a regular occurrence without any external cause, you probably have sleep-onset insomnia. This is a condition when the person is unable to fall asleep when he is supposed to. Sleep onset insomnia is also sometimes called delayed sleep disorder and can be a common occurrence with some people.

When you are unable to fall asleep at the right time, you get late in the morning and remain drowsy the rest of the day. The hours lost at night result in sleep deficiency and excessive daytime sleepiness. It is no surprise that sleep disorders are on the rise around the world, and affecting the global economy because of lost productivity. Besides, sleep deficiency and excessive daytime sleepiness cause accidents and injuries and also lead to greater health problems later in life.

Why You Can’t Fall Asleep?

When we go to bed, we want to fall asleep as quickly as possible. Everyone loves a good night’s rest because it makes them feel fresh and alert and helps them achieve more throughout the day. But a lot of reasons contribute to sleep onset insomnia or simply the inability to fall asleep. This can either happen on a regular basis or once in a while, but it is frustrating nevertheless.

Stress and anxiety are usually the two most important factors that interfere with normal sleep. When there is a lot on your mind, sleep can be elusive. Until your brain shuts off, it is hard to fall asleep. Consuming caffeine and alcohol before bed can also interfere with sleep. Medical conditions and medications also cause sleep problems.

However, sometimes every person finds it hard to fall asleep, even if they sleep without any issues on other nights. This is often because of mental exertion, stress, anxiety or the wrong foods.

10 Tips to Fall Asleep Faster

If you do not have a medical problem and are unable to fall asleep simply because of external factors, there are things you can do to make sleep come faster. The following tips are meant to help you get started on a healthy sleep routine that makes falling asleep and waking up the next morning equally easy.

  1. Go to Bed Only When You Are Sleepy

Just because it’s time for bed doesn’t mean you should be lying in bed when you aren’t sleepy. Make it a point to go to bed only when you feel sleepy. This will help the brain associate the bed with sleep and nothing else.

  1. Maintain A Sleep Routine

Once you get home from work, make sure to wind down with a relaxing sleep routine. From having a relaxing drink to taking a warm bath to listening to soothing music, it all helps your brain shut down and get into sleep mode.

  1. Watch or Read Something Boring

That’s right if you must read or watch TV in bed, make sure it’s something boring. There’s even a channel on YouTube called Napflix that plays boring videos to help you fall asleep. Avoid watching horror movies or the 11 pm news or anything that excites you.

  1. Don’t Look at The Clock

When you’re lying in bed unable to sleep, your eyes keep going to the bedside clock. Looking at the time every few seconds makes the night pass slower than usual. To avoid this, either remove the clock from the room or turn it backward. When you cannot see the time, you fret less about being unable to fall asleep.

  1. Adjust the Temperature

Regardless of the season, if your bedroom doesn’t have the ideal temperature, it can be hard to fall asleep. If it’s too cold, turn the thermostat up. If it’s too hot, turn on the air conditioner. If you want your room warm even in summer and if it’s something that helps you sleep better, don’t be shy about turning up the thermostat when everyone else is using the AC.

  1. Keep Warm

It isn’t uncommon to find people who have chilly hands and feet throughout the year, especially when they go to bed. If this is you and it keeps you from falling asleep at night, try warming up your feet. Either wear socks to bed or use an additional blanket or soak your feet in warm water before hitting the sack.

  1. Have Comfortable Bedding

Not many people want to invest in comfortable bedding because they think it’s a waste of money. What they don’t realize is that bedding is crucial to sleep quality. When you have attractive and comfortable bedding, it makes sleep time more appealing and makes you look forward to going to bed.

  1. Try Deep Breathing

If it’s stress and anxiety keeping you from falling asleep, practice deep breathing while you’re lying in bed. Simply breathe through your nose, making sure it’s your belly that swells and not your chest and exhale from your mouth. Keep doing this until you doze off.

  1. Have Sex

Whether you are coupled up or single, sex is powerful enough to help you relax because it releases the feel-good hormone called oxytocin. That’s the reason why bedtime is regarded as the best time to have sex because it helps you get relaxed and sound sleep afterward.

  1. Avoid Heavy Meals Before Bed

What you eat for dinner often has a big impact on your sleep quality. If you have a heavy meal close to bedtime, your digestive system will work throughout the night, preventing your brain and body from relaxing and falling asleep. If you must eat close to bedtime, keep it light. A heavy meal for dinner should be consumed within 6 in the evening, not later.

When to Seek Medical Help for Sleep-Onset Insomnia?

If all these lifestyle changes do not resolve your sleep-onset insomnia, you can seek medical help. However, it is recommended that you try every means in the book before taking the help of sleep supplements or medications.

How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs?

Bug proofing your bed

Have you ever spent a night at a cheap bed & breakfast, only to be kept awake the whole time by itchy bites? Or that time at grandma’s house when you had to snooze in your sleeping bag because something wouldn’t stop biting you at night? Did you realize where the bites were coming from? Yes, they were bed bugs. These little creatures that are often microscopic to the naked eye can make life a living hell. If you have experienced itchy bites when lying in bed, or have actually seen bed bugs in the crevices and seams of your mattress, then it is a problem that you will have to fix. Otherwise, you can go months with these pesky little creatures ruining your sleep.

A lot of people tend to think that bed bugs are a result of an unclean home. But despite keeping your house spanking clean all the time you may be surprised to find bed bugs in your mattress or other upholstered furniture. Bed bugs are quite a nuisance. If your couches, cushions and upholstered furniture have bed bugs in them, it is repulsive enough to keep guests and visitors away from your house. Most importantly, it can make sleeping a nightmare.

This is why the moment you realize your bed or mattress could have bed bugs; you should take the right measures to get rid of the problem. The longer you let the bedbugs remain the more they are going to spread.

What Are Bed Bugs?

Bed bugs are parasitic creatures, often microscopic to the naked eye. They are cold bed bugs because they live and breed in soft, upholstered surfaces, like mattresses cushions carpets, etc. Unlike dust mites, it is not normal for bed bugs to be present in houses. Dust mites are practically unavoidable and are present virtually everywhere. But bed bugs are not present in every place, which means it is not normal to have them around. If you know you have bed bugs in your house, you should not put up with the nuisance.

Bed bugs are normally found in beddings and mattresses because that is where they can find humans and pets to feed on. They also live in these surfaces and rapidly multiply. Bed bugs can also be found in other areas such as hard to reach crevices, nooks and crannies, under carpets, and even clothing.

The worst thing about bedbugs is that they can enter your home from just one contaminated item, such as an infested piece of clothing. It does not matter how clean your house is; if even one-bed bug enters the place, it will not take long at all to multiply into thousands. If you sleep in a bed bug infestation hotel room or travel on a train or a cruise, the bedbugs you pick up from there can infest your house in a matter of days. Second-hand pieces of furniture can also bring bed bugs into your house.

Because they are parasites, bed bugs are very strong. They can also penetrate through the walls of your house; so if there is a bed bug infestation in your neighbor’s house, your apartment or house will also be affected. Bed bugs usually feed on the blood of humans and other animals, but they can go months without needing to feed, making it hard to eradicate them. A crowded neighborhood or a place with too many humans living in close proximity also leads to bed bugs infestation.

Bed bugs do not spread diseases, but their bites are itchy and uncomfortable. Bed bug bites can also cause skin rashes.

Getting Rid of Bed Bugs – Step-by-Step Instructions

If your bed has been infested by bed bugs, your best solution would be to call pest control and take care of the problem. But if you want to do it yourself, fan following the next few steps should make the job easier:

Step 1: Strip your bed off the sheets and remove all pillowcases and covers. Do not leave them lying around because that will lead to contamination. Put these items in a garbage bag and tightly steal them while taking them to the washer. Wash them thoroughly in hot water.

Step 2: Do not attempt to do anything with the pillows. Simply throw them out. Next, thoroughly vacuum the mattress, making sure to get the seams, crevices and other nooks and corners where bed bugs hide. Do not empty the vacuum cleaner bag inside the house. Empty it outside the house and thoroughly clean the vacuum container to make sure no bed bug can make its way back to the house.

Step 3: For the maximum peace of mind it is wise to throw out the mattress and buy a new one. This will make sure that there are no bed bugs remaining in the house and also spare you the trouble of cleaning the entire mattress and then bug proofing it. A mattress with a removable cover is the best choice because the mattress becomes easier to clean. A removable cover also prevents the bed bugs from entering the mattress. However, if you do not want to purchase a new mattress, then read on for the next steps.

Step 4: To bug proof your bed, put your mattress in a bed bug proof cover. These highly specialized mattress protectors cover the entire mattress with a special material that the bugs are unable to bite through. This removable cover has a zipper that closes so snug that not even one bug can make its way through it. You have to keep on this cover for at least a year to make sure that all the bugs and the eggs have died.

Step 5: Do not forget to kill any bed bugs on the bed frame, cracks, and joints of the bed. If using pesticide, be careful with it and use it according to the instructions on the label. Push the bed away from the wall and encase the feet of the bed in bed bug interceptor cups. These cups have pesticide in them that kill any bug that attempts to climb up the bed. Make sure the sheets, bed skirt or covers don’t touch the floor. Vacuum the floor to remove all traces of bugs.

Eradicating bedbugs is a daunting task. If all else fails, it’s time to call pest control.

Best Place to Buy Mattress Online

Best place to buy a mattress

If the thought to buy mattress online seems frightening, you’re not alone. With the enormous numbers of mattress manufacturers offering a mind boggling variety of options, it can sure be confusing to find the right pick. The online mattress industry is growing with leaps and bounds, with several new companies coming into the business and adding to the zillion options already available. Each company tries to come up with an innovative technology that will make them stand out from the rest and attract customers. The competition is only getting high in the mattress industry, and while that means more options for those looking for a quality mattress, it’s also a lot more time-consuming to browse through the overwhelming number of options and find the right one.

The online mattress industry is already at $20+billion, with newer companies constantly coming in. There are several companies that are already many years old, and there are brands that are new in the business. All of them claim to be better than everyone else, making a choice even harder for customers.

You are going to find a wider variety of mattresses online than anywhere else. Even though there are a lot of options to sort through, there are several definite advantages of buying a mattress online.

Advantages of Buying Mattress Online

Even until a few years ago, mattress shopping used to be a time-consuming task. With online retailers not as abundant, the only option was to travel from one store to another, trying to find a suitable bed. Once you found the right one, it was your job to transport the mattress, unload it and unbox it. The whole process was so tedious that people put off buying a new mattress until their bed was falling apart.

With online shopping, the process of buying a mattress is a breeze. You can sit at the office and place your order for a new mattress, and have it delivered to your house in a matter of days. In fact, online retailing is so popular today that brick and mortar stores are also offering their products online. After all, when you have more convenience online, why bother traveling to brick and mortar stores to check out mattresses?

More Options When you Purchase Mattress Online

It can never be doubted that there are far more options online that you will ever get to see at a showroom. Online retailers have no showroom. Once you choose a mattress from the online listing, they either make one for you or ship one to you from their warehouse. Thousands of mattresses are available at just a touch or a click, without the need to spend days dropping into several different stores. Whether you want a twin or a queen, memory foam or natural latex, under $500 or a luxury mattress, there’s everything available online. And the best thing is, you can browse, shop around and purchase without wasting precious time.

The convenience of Buying Mattress Online

Mattresses are heavy, and if you don’t have the strength or the right vehicle, it can be a nightmare to bring a mattress home. When you shop online, the mattress is delivered to your doorstep and sometimes even unboxed and installed for you. The customer doesn’t have to load and unload the mattress or worry about having it shipped home. That’s the convenience you enjoy only with online shopping.

Compare Prices of Mattresses Online

If you had to compare prices of mattresses from two different showrooms you would have to visit the showrooms, get quotes, come home and device and then go again to make a purchase. With online shopping, you can compare prices of different products and brands without having to go anywhere. Simply visit the websites of each mattress company and see their prices. It’s that easy. When you find the most affordable option, you can make a purchase.

Sleep Trial of Online Mattress Companies

Online mattress companies offer something that no brick and mortar showroom ever does– free sleep trial. That means you sleep on the mattress during the trial period to find out if it suits you. If it does, you keep it. If it doesn’t, you can return it within the trial period and get a full refund. And that’s not all. It’s the company’s job to pick up the mattress just the way it got delivered to you. That’s not something that you get when you buy a mattress from a showroom.

Best Places to Buy Mattress Online

When it comes to online mattress shopping, you can always buy one from Amazon. But when you buy a branded mattress from a third-party site, you lose out on perks like free shipping, sleep trial, and warranty. These are available only when you purchase the mattress directly from the retailer.

Now that we know the benefits of buying a mattress online let’s look at the top websites where you could head for your next purchase.

Tuft & Needle

  • Price Range: $300-$1200
  • Mattress Type: Foam
  • Trial Period: 100 nights
  • Warranty: 10 years
  • Delivery: Free

Tuft & Needle is based in Arizona and was founded in 2012 by Daehee Park and JT Marino. Tuft & Needle makes value-based foam mattresses that provide cooling, comfort, and pressure relief. If you have never purchased a mattress online and need something within a strict budget, Tuft & Needle is the best choice.


  • Price Range: $500-$1200
  • Mattress Type: Foam
  • Trial Period: 100 nights
  • Warranty: 10 years
  • Delivery: Free

One of the newer mattress companies, Purple was founded in 2015 by brothers Tony and Terry Pearce after successfully integrating a hyper-elastic polymer in the mattress design. Because of this material, the Purple mattress adapts to the shape of your body and cushions your body in comfort without making you hot. The comfort and pressure relief are akin to memory foam while the flexibility is like latex. Purple offers a 15 percent discount for those in service.


  • Price Range: $500-$1500
  • Mattress Types: Spring, Foam, and Latex
  • Trial Period: 120 nights
  • Warranty: 15 years
  • Delivery: Free

Saatva was established in 2010 by Ron Rudzin and Ricky Joshi. in While Saatva makes only spring mattresses, its sister brands Loom and Leaf and Zenhaven manufacture foam and latex mattresses. Saatva is an exclusive online company and has been rated as one of the top places to buy a comfortable mattress at a reasonable price.


  • Price Range: $1200 – $5000+
  • Mattress Types: Memory Foam, hybrid
  • Trial Period:90 nights
  • Warranty: 10 years
  • Delivery: Free

One of the longest standing online mattress companies, Tempur-Pedic was founded in 1992 and is the industry standard for memory foam mattresses. Tempur-Pedic sets a benchmark with its design, materials, and quality, and has the maximum number of positive reviews from customers. Aside from three mattress ranges, the company also has mattress foundations, sheets, pillows, and other bedding items designed for a comfortable sleep.


  • Price range: $500 – $1000
  • Mattress Type: Memory Foam
  • Trial Period: 100 nights
  • Warranty: 10 years
  • Delivery: Free

Lull was founded by Sven Klein, Matt Walker, Thomas Adams and Brad Inscoe with the aim to offer a premium bed at a reasonable price. The Lull mattress is not only among the most affordable options today but also top-rated, offering a hassle-free process and responsive customer service. Lull has only one type of mattress, available in a few different sizes.

Nest Bedding

  • Price Range: $400 – $2000
  • Mattress Types: Foam, memory foam, Hybrid, Latex
  • Trial Period: 100 nights
  • Warranty: 10 years
  • Delivery: Free

If you support natural living, then Nest Bedding could be interesting for you. It isn’t every day that you find organic bedding, the very reason why Joe Alexander established the company in 2011. The San Francisco-based bedding company offers a variety of different mattresses, all made from natural, organic materials. The products offered by Nest Bedding include memory foam, hybrid, and latex. The best thing is that Nest Bedding manufactures its own materials and offers a lifetime warranty on the products.

Sleep Number

  • Price Range: $300 – $5000
  • Mattress Type: Smart mattress/airbed
  • Trial Period: 100 nights
  • Warranty: 25 years
  • Delivery: Free

Sleep Number could possibly be the oldest mattress company, founded in 1987 by Bob Walker and his wife, JoAnn. Although they only have one mattress type, it is incredibly innovative, using Responsive Air technology to adjust the firmness and support automatically. The mattress also adapts to your body shape and movements to offer the best sleep. The Sleep Number mattress is expensive, but because it’s so adjustable, you might never need another mattress.