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Why Mattresses Are Advertised So Much on Podcasts: Confessions of Brands

Picture of Ben Trapskin

Ben Trapskin

I have carefully studied and evaluated many mattresses, sheets, pillows, duvet inserts, comforters, sleep gadgets, and adjustable beds for over a deca... Full Bio
A cozy bedroom with a neatly made, plush mattress on a stylish bed frame. A bedside table holds a lamp and a small plant. Soft lighting and neutral tones create a warm, inviting ambiance. A window with sheer curtains allows natural light to filter in.

Why are Mattresses Advertised so much on Podcasts? Top 3 Secrets!

The Unlikely Boom: Why Mattresses Are Advertised So Much on Podcasts

Why are Mattresses Advertised so much on Podcasts? The unique bond between podcast hosts and their audience makes these ads effective. Here’s why:

  1. Intimacy and Trust: Podcast hosts often speak directly to listeners in a conversational tone, creating a sense of trust.
  2. Endless Attention Span: Listeners are engaged for longer periods, making them more likely to absorb ad messages.
  3. Targeted Audience: Ads reach niche podcasts with specific listener interests, aligning perfectly with the product.

Listeners of the popular “Your Mom’s House” podcast aren’t tuning in for sleep advice—they stay for laughs and host chemistry. Yet the show’s success in boosting Saatva mattress sales shows this unlikely match works. Similarly, “Huberman Lab” provides detailed, science-based discussions that naturally align with sleep products like Helix mattresses, maximizing ad relevance and impact.

I’m Ben Trapskin, founder of Yawnder. After navigating many sleepless nights and unsatisfactory mattress purchases, I realized the importance of well-informed decisions. Through my platform, I explain sleep products to help you find rest. Next, let’s explore the growth of podcast advertising and how it became a goldmine for mattress companies.

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Why are Mattresses Advertised so much on Podcasts terms explained:

The Rise of Podcast Advertising

Podcast advertising has become a powerful tool in the marketing world. But why? Let’s break it down.

The Trust Factor

Podcast popularity has surged in recent years. People love tuning in to their favorite shows, making podcasts a prime medium for advertisers. Why? Because of the trust and intimacy they build.

Podcast hosts often read their own ads. This makes the ads feel more personal and genuine. Listeners trust their favorite hosts, so when they recommend a product, it feels like advice from a friend.

For instance, Tom Segura and Christina Pazsitzky of “Your Mom’s House” aren’t sleep experts, but their loyal audience trusts their recommendations. When they promote Saatva mattresses, listeners pay attention.

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Advertising on podcasts is also cost-effective. Cost Per Thousand Impressions (CPM) rates for podcasts are generally lower than other forms of digital advertising. This allows brands to reach a large audience without breaking the bank.

Advertising budgets can stretch further with podcasts. Brands like Casper and Helix have seen a high Return on Investment (ROI) from podcast ads. This is because listeners are more engaged and likely to act on the recommendations they hear.

  • Lower CPM: Podcasts generally have lower CPM rates compared to traditional media.
  • High Engagement: Listeners are more engaged, leading to higher conversion rates.
  • Better ROI: Brands see better returns due to the trust and loyalty of podcast audiences.

In summary, the success of podcast advertising hinges on trust and cost-effectiveness. Hosts build a bond with their audience, making their ads more impactful. Plus, the lower costs and higher engagement make it a smart choice for brands. Next, we’ll dig into why mattress brands, in particular, have thrived in this space.

Why Mattresses Are Advertised So Much on Podcasts

High Markups and Profit Margins

Mattresses have incredibly high markups, often between 40% and 50% or more. This means that the cost to produce the mattress is significantly lower than the retail price. For example, a mattress that costs $300 to manufacture can be sold for $1,000. This high markup allows mattress companies to allocate substantial budgets to advertising, including podcast ads.

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Additionally, the business model for many mattress companies involves low overhead costs. They don’t stock inventory in traditional stores but instead ship directly from warehouses. Employees are often on commission, further reducing labor costs. According to marketing professor Utpal Dholakia, “It’s a relatively cheap business, with relatively large markups, which together go a long way toward explaining the proliferation of mattress stores.”

High markups and low overheads make mattress advertising profitable - Why are Mattresses Advertised so much on Podcasts infographic simple-quote-gray

Targeted Audience Reach

Podcasts offer a unique advantage: targeted audience reach. The demographics of podcast listeners are diverse, but they often include highly engaged, loyal listeners who trust their favorite hosts. This makes podcasts an excellent medium for niche markets.

For instance, podcasts that focus on health and wellness attract listeners who are keen on optimizing their sleep and overall well-being. This targeted approach increases the likelihood of converting listeners into customers.

The Role of Sleep in Wellness

Sleep is a hot topic in the health and wellness space. People are increasingly aware of the importance of good sleep for overall well-being. This trend has created a fertile ground for mattress companies to market their products.

Podcasts that delve into topics like sleep fitness and neuroscience align perfectly with the marketing strategies of mattress brands, who often highlight the health benefits of their products.

Moreover, the rise of long-form podcasts means that listeners spend more time with the content, allowing for more in-depth discussions about sleep and its impact on health. This extended engagement makes podcast advertising even more effective.

Case Studies: Successful Mattress Brands on Podcasts

Casper’s Podcast Strategy

Casper has effectively used podcasts to enhance brand awareness and drive sales. They focus on relatable sleep issues and how their mattresses provide solutions, making their ads engaging and less sales-driven.

Casper also emphasizes their innovative products like the Zoned Support™ and AirScape™ foam in their ads, reinforcing their position as a leader in sleep technology.

Helix’s Targeted Advertising

Helix Sleep emphasizes customization in their ads, offering mattresses tailored to individual sleep preferences. This strategy is particularly effective on podcasts that focus on health and wellness, reaching an audience already interested in optimizing their sleep.

Purple’s Unique Selling Proposition

Purple’s ads are known for their uniqueness and memorability, focusing on their Purple Grid™ technology. This material offers superior pressure relief and support, differentiating Purple from other brands.

Saatva’s Consistent Presence

Saatva sponsors popular podcasts and maintains a consistent ad presence. Their strategy focuses on the luxury and quality of their mattresses, appealing to listeners who value a good night’s sleep.

These case studies demonstrate various strategies mattress brands use to leverage the power of podcasts, from engaging storytelling to targeted customization and unique technological propositions.

The Economics of Mattress Stores and Online Sales

The Proliferation of Mattress Stores

You’ve probably noticed mattress stores popping up everywhere, often clustered together. This isn’t by accident. Store clustering is a deliberate strategy used to boost visibility and capture consumer interest. For example, Mattress Firm has acquired several smaller chains, like Sleepy’s and Sleep Train, leading to a high concentration of stores in some areas. This clustering helps attract customers who might be comparison shopping.

One reason for the proliferation is the relatively low overhead costs. Mattress stores often don’t stock inventory on-site. Instead, they deliver mattresses directly from distributors. This reduces storage costs and allows for higher profit margins. Employees are often paid on commission, further lowering labor costs.

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Market competition is fierce, but the high markups on mattresses make it worth the effort. Retailers need to sell just a dozen to 20 mattresses a month to break even. Given the pent-up demand from the recession years, many stores have found it profitable to expand rapidly.

The Shift to Online Sales

While brick-and-mortar stores still play a significant role, the shift to online sales is changing the industry. Direct-to-consumer (DTC) brands have capitalized on e-commerce, offering consumers the convenience of shopping from home.

Online shopping trends reveal that about 40% of mattresses are now bought online. This shift is driven by several factors:

  • Wider selection: Online platforms offer a broader range of brands and models compared to physical stores.
  • Competitive pricing: Without the overhead costs of a physical store, online retailers can offer more competitive prices.
  • Consumer convenience: Shopping online allows consumers to compare options and read reviews without stepping out of their homes.

However, buying a mattress online does come with challenges. Consumers can’t try before they buy, making it harder to assess comfort and quality. To counter this, many online retailers offer generous return policies and trial periods.

E-commerce Dynamics and Consumer Preferences

E-commerce dynamics have shifted consumer preferences significantly. DTC brands emphasize customization, allowing customers to tailor mattresses to their specific needs. This resonates well with podcast audiences interested in sleep optimization and wellness.

Moreover, the consumer preference for a seamless shopping experience has led to innovations like bed-in-a-box, where mattresses are compressed and shipped in a compact box. This not only simplifies delivery but also improves the unboxing experience, making it shareable on social media.

In summary, the mattress industry is navigating a complex landscape of brick-and-mortar and online sales. Store clustering boosts visibility and captures foot traffic, while e-commerce offers convenience and customization. Both channels are evolving to meet changing consumer demands, making it an exciting time for the industry.

Frequently Asked Questions about Mattress Advertising on Podcasts

Why are there so many ads on podcasts now?

Podcasting has exploded in popularity, becoming a prime platform for advertisers. But why are mattresses such a common product advertised? It boils down to a few key reasons:

  1. High Engagement: Podcast listeners are highly engaged. They often listen to entire episodes, which can last over an hour. This gives advertisers a captive audience.
  2. Trust Factor: Hosts often read ads themselves, adding a personal touch. This builds trust and makes listeners more likely to consider the product.
  3. Targeted Reach: Advertisers can target specific demographics. For example, a podcast about health and wellness is a perfect fit for a mattress company.
  4. Market Growth: The podcast market is growing rapidly. With more listeners each year, the potential reach for ads is enormous.

How much do advertisers pay for podcasts?

The cost of advertising on podcasts can vary widely. Here are some key points:

  • CPM Rates: Cost per thousand impressions (CPM) can range from $18 to $50, depending on the podcast’s popularity and audience.
  • Sponsorship Costs: A full sponsorship can cost anywhere from $1,000 to $25,000 per episode. Top-tier podcasts can charge even more.
  • Ad Types: There are different types of ads, including pre-roll (before the episode starts), mid-roll (during the episode), and post-roll (after the episode). Mid-roll ads are generally more expensive because they are less likely to be skipped.
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Why do people spend so much on mattresses?

Investing in a good mattress is more than just a luxury. Here’s why people are willing to spend big bucks:

  • Product Quality: A quality mattress can last for years, providing better value over time. Materials like memory foam and latex offer superior comfort and durability.
  • Health Benefits: A good mattress can significantly improve sleep quality, which is crucial for overall health. Poor sleep can lead to issues like back pain, stress, and even weight gain.
  • Consumer Investment: People are becoming more aware of the importance of sleep. They see a good mattress as an investment in their well-being, much like a gym membership or a healthy diet.

In summary, the rise of podcast advertising, especially for mattresses, is driven by high engagement, targeted reach, and the trust listeners place in their favorite hosts. Advertisers are willing to pay a premium for this effective medium, and consumers are increasingly seeing the value in investing in a good night’s sleep.


At Yawnder, we understand the importance of a good night’s sleep and how crucial it is to find the perfect mattress. Our mission is to provide expert reviews and unbiased evaluations to help you make informed decisions.

When it comes to mattress advertising on podcasts, the strategy is clear: reach an engaged audience through trusted voices. The trust factor is significant; listeners often feel a personal connection to podcast hosts, making them more likely to consider products advertised during episodes. This is why brands like Casper, Helix, and Saatva invest heavily in podcast ads—they know the ROI is substantial.

Podcasts offer a targeted reach that traditional media can’t match. Whether it’s a comedy show like “Your Mom’s House” or a health-focused podcast like “Huberman Lab,” mattress companies can align their ads with the interests and needs of the audience. This targeted approach ensures that the message hits home, literally and figuratively.

Moreover, the high markups and profit margins in the mattress industry make it possible for companies to allocate substantial budgets to podcast advertising. The return on investment is often high because the ads are not just heard but trusted and acted upon.

As the podcast market continues to grow, so does the potential for reaching new customers. This is why we at Yawnder are committed to staying ahead of the curve, providing you with the latest market insights and consumer guidance. From understanding the economics of mattress stores to the shift towards online sales, our goal is to help you steer the complex world of mattresses with ease.

For more detailed information on finding the right mattress, check out our mattress reviews. We test and curate top sleep products to ensure you get the best night’s sleep possible.

In conclusion, the proliferation of mattress ads on podcasts is a testament to the effectiveness of this medium. It’s a win-win for both brands and consumers—brands get to reach a highly engaged audience, and consumers get trusted recommendations for products that can improve their lives. At Yawnder, we’re here to guide you through every step of your mattress-buying journey, ensuring you make the best choice for your needs.

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Mattress Reviews and Guides