How Anti-Snoring Mouthpieces Work?
Snoring is a nightmare for others, while the snorer remains oblivious to it. Whether it’s a spouse or a roommate, having someone snoring in the room can be the reason behind sleepless nights for the others. Snoring affects thousands of people, and many of them don’t even know they have a problem unless someone tells them. Those who sleep alone mostly tend to suffer from interrupted sleep and daytime sleepiness because they remain oblivious to the problem.
Snoring usually occurs when the throat muscles relax during sleep. Of course, the whole body relaxes when a person sleeps, but when the throat muscles also relax, they block the air passage. This leads to difficulty breathing and snoring.
When the person sleeps, he has no idea he is snoring. However, he might wake up several times in the night with shortness of breath and a dry mouth. Snorers also usually sleep with their mouths open, leading to a dry mouth and throat. This leads to an interrupted sleep and daytime fatigue and sleepiness.
There are various medical options to prevent snoring. One of them is an anti-snoring mouthpiece. These oral devices have been designed by dentists in order to control the position of the mouth while sleeping. These devices have proven to be effective for lessening snoring. Known as mandibular advancement devices, oral mouth guards prevent the tongue from sliding to the back of the mouth and the jaw from relaxing. Oral mouthpieces also ensure that the soft palate tissue doesn’t block the air passage. These mouthpieces work like orthodontics that keep the jaw in position and enable proper breathing. An oral appliance is made and fitted by a dentist, so the patient, the doctor, and the dentist should work in close consultation.
Anti-snoring devices achieve this by exerting gentle pressure on the jawline. These mouthpieces, although effective, take some time to get used to. In the beginning, they are uncomfortable, but once the wearer gets used to it, the device can provide relief. That said, some people fail to adjust to oral mouthpieces because they are too uncomfortable and exert too much pressure on the jaw and teeth. For those people, there are alternate methods like surgery to prevent the blocking of the airway.
It must be remembered that anti-snoring oral mouthpieces must be recommended by a doctor and fitted by a dentist because these devices must fit the shape of your mouth. There are self-fitting oral mouthguards available online, but they aren’t FDA approved. Self-fitting devices don’t require the recommendation of a doctor and can be bought by anyone. But the FDA says that those buying these devices are only diagnosing their snoring and possibly overlooking underlying medical conditions like sleep apnea. It is always advised to consult a doctor before buying any oral anti-snoring mouthguard.
Oral appliances are a common alternative to CPAP ( a mask worn during sleep, which supplies air continuously to keep the air passage unblocked). They are also cost-effective because you only have to buy them once. However, make sure the device is non-toxic, made with medical grade materials, and is both BPA and latex free.