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How to Astral Project During Sleep in 5 Simple Steps

Picture of Ben Trapskin

Ben Trapskin

I have carefully studied and evaluated many mattresses, sheets, pillows, duvet inserts, comforters, sleep gadgets, and adjustable beds for over a deca... Full Bio
astral projection during sleep

Astral Projection during Sleep: 5 Simple Steps for Success

A Journey Beyond: Understanding Astral Projection

Are you intrigued by the idea of exploring unseen fields while you sleep? Astral Projection during Sleep offers an opportunity to journey beyond your physical body, diving into a world of consciousness and spiritual travel. Whether you seek to connect with different dimensions or simply venture into the astral plane for curiosity’s sake, the basics are quite straightforward:

  1. Astral projection involves separating the consciousness from the body.
  2. Out-of-body experiences are reported sensations similar to floating or flying.
  3. Spiritual travel often occurs during deep sleep, notably during Rapid Eye Movement (REM) phases.
  4. Consciousness exploration can offer insights and spiritual growth.
  5. The astral plane is considered a field beyond physical reality where your astral body can wander.

As Ben Trapskin, a seasoned researcher in sleep and consciousness, I’ve digd deep into the phenomena of astral projection. My journey began with a curiosity fueled by personal sleep issues and has transformed into a mission to explore and explain the profound aspects of sleep-related experiences.

Steps for Astral Projection During Sleep - Astral Projection during Sleep infographic infographic-line-5-steps

Basic Astral Projection during Sleep terms:

Understanding Astral Projection

Astral Projection is a fascinating concept where the consciousness, often referred to as the astral body, separates from the physical body to explore the astral plane. This phenomenon is considered a type of out-of-body experience (OBE), but it carries a unique spiritual significance.


At its core, astral projection involves the intentional separation of the astral body from the physical body. This experience allows individuals to steer a field beyond our physical reality, often described as the astral plane.

Astral Body and Subtle Body

The astral body is believed to be a subtle, non-physical form that mirrors the physical body. It is part of a broader concept known as the subtle body, which includes various energetic layers that interact with the physical form. These layers are often discussed in esoteric traditions and spiritual practices.

Spiritual Practice

Astral projection is not just a random occurrence; it is a spiritual practice deeply rooted in various religious and esoteric traditions. Many cultures and spiritual systems, such as Hinduism, Buddhism, and Western esotericism, have long explored the idea of traveling beyond the physical body.

Esoteric Traditions

In esoteric traditions, the concept of astral projection is often linked to personal and spiritual growth. Practitioners believe that exploring the astral plane can lead to profound insights, self-findy, and a deeper connection with the universe.

Notable Insights

  • Hinduism: In Hindu philosophy, the astral body is part of the subtle body (sukshma sharira), which leaves the physical body during deep meditation or sleep.
  • Buddhism: Some Buddhist texts describe the ability to travel to different fields of existence through meditation and spiritual practice.
  • Western Esotericism: Western traditions, such as Theosophy and Hermeticism, elaborate on astral projection as a way to gain spiritual knowledge and understanding.

Personal Stories

Many individuals who have experienced astral projection describe it as a life-changing event. For example, a Reddit user shared their experience of waking up with their body buzzing and then rolling out of bed in their astral form, feeling an overwhelming sense of freedom and clarity. These personal accounts often highlight the vividness and heightened awareness associated with astral travel.

By understanding these key elements, you can begin to appreciate the depth and significance of Astral Projection during Sleep. This practice is not only about exploring unseen fields but also about starting on a journey of spiritual findy and growth.

Next, we will dig into the science behind astral projection, exploring the mental states and altered states of consciousness that facilitate this extraordinary experience.

The Science Behind Astral Projection

Mental States and Dreams

Astral projection often occurs during deep states of relaxation or sleep, specifically during REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep. This is when dreams are most vivid and the brain is highly active. During REM sleep, the body is in a state of paralysis, which prevents us from acting out our dreams. However, the mind remains alert, creating a fertile ground for experiences like astral projection.

Altered States of Consciousness

Astral projection is considered an altered state of consciousness. In this state, individuals report feeling disconnected from their physical bodies, often describing sensations of floating or moving outside their physical form. This state can be induced through various techniques, including deep meditation, visualization, and specific breathing exercises.

Neuroscientists’ Perspectives

Neuroscientists have explored the brain activity associated with astral projection. They suggest that what people perceive as astral travel may be linked to specific brain functions during sleep. For instance, the temporo-parietal junction (TPJ) is a brain area involved in processing sensory information and spatial awareness. Disruptions in this area can lead to out-of-body experiences (OBEs), which are often reported during astral projection.

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Psychological Perspectives

From a psychological standpoint, astral projection can be seen as a form of lucid dreaming. In lucid dreams, the dreamer is aware they are dreaming and may even control the dream narrative. This awareness and control can overlap with the experiences reported during astral projection. Some psychologists believe that astral projection is a way for the mind to process and integrate subconscious thoughts and emotions.

Notable Insights and Research

  • Two-way communication during lucid dreams: Recent studies have shown that it is possible to communicate with people while they are in a lucid dream state. This could open up new avenues for understanding the mechanisms behind astral projection and its potential therapeutic applications.

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  • Sleep and memory consolidation: Research indicates that sleep plays a crucial role in consolidating memories. This might explain why some people remember their astral experiences vividly, while others only retain fleeting impressions.

By understanding the scientific perspectives on astral projection, we can appreciate the complexity and richness of this phenomenon. It bridges the gap between spiritual experiences and scientific inquiry, offering a deeper insight into the mysteries of the human mind.

Next, we will explore how to prepare for Astral Projection during Sleep, including relaxation techniques and ethical considerations.

Preparing for Astral Projection During Sleep

Relaxation Techniques

Relaxation is key to astral projection. You need to calm your mind and body to reach the deep states of relaxation necessary for astral travel. Try these methods:

  • Breathing Exercises: Focus on slow, deep breaths. Inhale deeply through your nose, hold for a few seconds, and exhale slowly through your mouth. This helps reduce stress and prepares your mind for the journey.

  • Progressive Muscle Relaxation: Tense and then relax each muscle group in your body, starting from your toes and working your way up to your head. This technique eases physical tension and promotes mental calmness.


Meditation is a powerful tool for achieving the mental state required for astral projection. It helps you focus and quiet your mind. Here’s how to get started:

  • Guided Meditation: Use a guided meditation app or recording to help you relax and focus. These can provide a structured approach to reaching the deep meditative state needed for astral travel.

  • Mindfulness: Practice being present in the moment. Focus on your breath, the sensations in your body, and your immediate surroundings. This can help you detach from everyday worries and prepare your mind for the experience.


Visualization helps you mentally prepare for astral projection by creating a clear image of your astral body. Follow these steps:

  • Astral Cord: Imagine a silver cord connecting your physical body to your astral body. This cord is believed to keep you safe and anchored during your journey.

  • Third Chakra: Focus on your solar plexus, the area just above your navel. Visualize energy building up here and then expanding outwards, helping to project your astral body.

Protective Measures

Safety is important when attempting astral projection. Here are some protective measures to consider:

  • Set Boundaries: Before you begin, set a clear intention that you will only encounter positive and safe experiences. This can help protect you from any negative energies.

  • Grounding Techniques: After your session, use grounding techniques to reconnect with your physical body. This can include visualizing roots growing from your feet into the ground or holding a grounding object like a crystal.

Ethical Considerations

Astral projection is a profound experience that should be approached with respect and ethical awareness:

  • Respect Others’ Privacy: Always remember that astral projection is a personal journey. Do not attempt to intrude on others’ private spaces or lives without their consent.

  • Use for Positive Purposes: Aim to use your astral experiences for personal growth, healing, and understanding. Avoid using astral projection for selfish or harmful purposes.

By incorporating these techniques and considerations, you can prepare yourself for a safe and enriching astral projection experience.

Next, we will guide you through the Step-by-Step Guide to Astral Projection During Sleep, starting with creating a conducive sleep environment.

Step-by-Step Guide to Astral Projection During Sleep

Step 1: Create a Conducive Sleep Environment

A comfortable and serene sleep environment is essential for Astral Projection during Sleep. Here’s how to set it up:

  • Comfortable Mattress: Ensure your mattress supports your body well. A good mattress can help you relax and fall asleep easier.

  • Quiet Room: Minimize noise in your sleeping area. Consider using earplugs or a white noise machine if your environment is noisy.

  • Dim Lighting: Keep your room dark or use dim lights. Darkness helps signal your body that it’s time to sleep, aiding relaxation.

  • Yawnder: Use tools like Yawnder’s sleep aids to improve your environment. These tools can help you achieve a deeper, more restful sleep.

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Step 2: Practice Deep Relaxation Techniques

Deep relaxation is crucial for astral projection. Try these techniques:

  • Breathing Exercises: Focus on slow, deep breaths. Inhale deeply through your nose, hold for a few seconds, and exhale slowly through your mouth. This reduces stress and prepares your mind for the journey.

  • Progressive Muscle Relaxation: Tense and then relax each muscle group in your body, starting from your toes and working your way up to your head. This eases physical tension and promotes mental calmness.

  • Guided Meditation: Use a guided meditation app or recording to help you relax and focus. These can provide a structured approach to reaching the deep meditative state needed for astral travel.

Step 3: Visualize Your Astral Body

Visualization is a powerful tool for astral projection. Here’s how:

  • Astral Cord: Imagine a silver cord connecting your physical body to your astral body. This cord is believed to keep you safe and anchored during your journey.

  • Third Chakra: Focus on your solar plexus, the area just above your navel. Visualize energy building up here and then expanding outwards. This helps project your astral body.

Step 4: Set a Clear Intention

Setting a clear intention can help guide your astral journey:

  • Intention Setting: Decide what you want to achieve with your astral projection. Whether it’s exploring the astral plane or seeking spiritual insight, having a clear goal can help focus your mind.

  • Focus and Mindfulness: Stay present and concentrate on your intention. This can help you stay grounded and avoid distractions during your journey.

Step 5: Use the Rope Technique

The rope technique is a popular method for inducing an out-of-body experience:

  • Rope Technique: Imagine a rope hanging above you. Visualize yourself reaching out and pulling yourself up the rope. This mental exercise can help separate your astral body from your physical body.

  • Out-of-Body Experience: As you visualize climbing the rope, you may start to feel a floating sensation. Allow yourself to gently rise out of your body and begin exploring the astral plane.

  • Astral Plane Navigation: Once you’re out of your body, steer the astral plane by setting clear intentions and staying focused. Remember to stay calm and enjoy the experience.

By following these steps, you can prepare yourself for a successful Astral Projection during Sleep. Next, we’ll explore common experiences and sensations you might encounter during your astral travels.

Common Experiences and Sensations

When engaging in Astral Projection during Sleep, many people report a range of vivid and unique experiences. Understanding these can help you steer your own astral journeys more effectively.


Astral projection often feels incredibly real, sometimes even more vivid than regular dreams. Colors may appear brighter, sounds clearer, and sensations more intense. For instance, people often describe seeing their surroundings in high definition, with an improved sense of detail that they don’t experience in waking life.

Sensory Perceptions

During astral travel, your sensory perceptions can be heightened in unusual ways. You might:

  • See: Unfamiliar landscapes or even familiar places but with improved clarity.
  • Hear: Sounds or voices that seem to come from another dimension.
  • Feel: Textures and temperatures with a depth of sensation that goes beyond physical touch.

These amplified perceptions can make the experience feel exceptionally real, almost like stepping into a different world.

Heightened Awareness

Many individuals report a sense of heightened awareness during astral projection. This means being more conscious of your surroundings and your own thoughts. You might feel:

  • Increased Mental Clarity: Thoughts can be more focused and insightful.
  • Emotional Intensity: Emotions might be stronger, whether it’s joy, curiosity, or even fear.

This heightened state can provide profound insights and a deeper understanding of yourself and your surroundings.

Floating Sensation

A common experience during astral projection is the sensation of floating. This can occur:

  • Just Before Separation: As your astral body begins to detach from your physical body, you might feel a lightness or a gentle lifting.
  • During Travel: As you steer the astral plane, the sensation of floating can continue, giving you a sense of freedom and weightlessness.

This floating feeling is often described as peaceful and liberating, contributing to the overall sense of wonder during the experience.

Personal Stories and Case Studies

Many people have shared their personal experiences with astral projection. For example, one Reddit user described waking up with their body buzzing and then rolling out of bed in their astral form to explore their surroundings. These accounts can provide valuable insights and encouragement for those new to the practice.

Personal stories and case studies offer valuable insights and encouragement for astral travelers. - Astral Projection during Sleep infographic 3<em>facts</em>emoji_nature

Scientific Perspectives

While many people believe in the spiritual aspects of astral projection, scientists often attribute these experiences to brain activity during sleep, particularly in REM stages. Some researchers suggest that what is perceived as astral travel could be a vivid form of dreaming or a type of hallucination.

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In conclusion, Astral Projection during Sleep can lead to a variety of vivid and profound experiences. Whether you view these from a spiritual or scientific perspective, understanding these common sensations can help you steer your own journeys more effectively.

Next, we’ll address some frequently asked questions about astral projection to help you deepen your understanding and practice.

Frequently Asked Questions about Astral Projection During Sleep

What is the difference between astral projection and dreams?

Astral projection and dreams are often confused, but they are distinct experiences.

Dreams are typically seen as sequences of images, thoughts, and feelings that occur during sleep. They are often a product of the subconscious mind and can be bizarre or fragmented.

Astral projection, on the other hand, involves the intentional separation of the astral body from the physical body to explore the astral plane. This experience is usually more vivid and controlled compared to dreams.

In many cultures, dreams are thought to be the soul leaving the body. However, astral projection is more focused on conscious control and intention. While some people can transition from a lucid dream into an astral projection, the two are not the same. For more insights, see this Reddit discussion.

Can anyone learn to astral project?

Yes, anyone can learn to astral project with practice and dedication. However, it may come more naturally to some people than others. Techniques such as meditation, deep relaxation, and visualization can help facilitate astral projection.

People experienced in lucid dreaming may find it easier to transition into astral projection. According to a Reddit user, those who are good at lucid dreaming should be able to astral project from a lucid dream.

Are there any risks associated with astral projection?

While many people find astral projection to be a profound and enlightening experience, there are some risks to be aware of:

  1. Fear and Anxiety: The sensation of leaving your body can be unsettling, especially for beginners. It’s important to approach the practice with a calm and open mind.
  2. Difficulty Returning: Some people worry about not being able to return to their physical body. However, most practitioners report that returning is as simple as thinking about their physical body.
  3. Negative Entities: Some believe that negative entities can be encountered on the astral plane. Practicing protective measures, like visualizing a protective light, can help mitigate this risk.

It’s crucial to approach astral projection with respect and caution. For more detailed discussions on the risks, you can explore various perspectives on Reddit.

Next, we’ll wrap up our guide with some final thoughts on the significance of astral projection and how it can enrich your spiritual journey.


Astral projection during sleep offers a unique opportunity for personal growth, spiritual insight, and expanded consciousness. By intentionally separating the astral body from the physical body, we can explore fields beyond our ordinary experience. This practice can lead to profound realizations and a deeper understanding of our true nature.

At Yawnder, we are dedicated to helping you achieve a restful and enlightening sleep experience. Our resources, including personalized sleep recommendations and guided sleep programs, are designed to support your journey towards better sleep and spiritual wellness.

Personal Growth: Engaging in astral projection can be a transformative experience. It encourages us to confront our fears, expand our awareness, and cultivate a greater sense of self-awareness. This journey can lead to significant personal development and a more balanced life.

Spiritual Insight: Many people find that astral projection provides profound spiritual insights. It allows us to connect with higher dimensions and gain a deeper understanding of our place in the universe. This practice can improve our spiritual practices and provide clarity on our life’s purpose.

Expanded Consciousness: Astral projection can expand our consciousness and open us to new possibilities. It enables us to explore different planes of existence and gain perspectives that are not accessible through ordinary means. This expanded awareness can lead to a more enriched and fulfilling life.

Safe Practice: While astral projection can be a rewarding experience, approach it with caution and respect. Ensure you are in a safe and comfortable environment, practice protective measures, and maintain a positive mindset. Following these guidelines will help you have a safe and enriching astral projection experience.

In conclusion, astral projection during sleep is a powerful tool for those seeking to explore the depths of their consciousness and improve their spiritual journey. By following the steps outlined in this guide and utilizing the resources available at Yawnder, you can start on a transformative journey of self-findy and spiritual growth.

For more information on how to improve your sleep and explore astral projection, visit our sleep study page.

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