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How to Clean a Mattress Topper in 5 Easy Steps

Picture of Ben Trapskin

Ben Trapskin

I have carefully studied and evaluated many mattresses, sheets, pillows, duvet inserts, comforters, sleep gadgets, and adjustable beds for over a deca... Full Bio
how to clean a mattress topper

How to clean a mattress topper: 5 Easy Steps for Success

Looking for how to clean a mattress topper? Here’s a quick overview to get you started:

  1. Check care instructions.
  2. Vacuum thoroughly.
  3. Spot clean stains.
  4. Deodorize with baking soda.
  5. Air dry completely.

Cleaning your mattress topper is crucial for a fresh and healthy sleeping environment. Over time, it accumulates dust mites, allergens, and bacteria from sweat, dead skin cells, and body oil. Keeping your topper clean helps prevent allergic reactions and extends its lifespan.

Regular maintenance is simple. Aim to vacuum your mattress topper every week and follow a thorough cleaning routine every couple of months. This ensures you sleep in a healthier space and helps you breathe easier at night.

I’m Ben Trapskin, the creator of Yawnder. My own struggles with sleep quality led me to become passionate about sleep healthcare. Today, I’m here to guide you on how to clean a mattress topper effectively, so you can enjoy a better night’s rest.

Mattress topper cleaning steps infographic - How to clean a mattress topper infographic process-5-steps-informal

How to clean a mattress topper vocabulary:

Supplies You’ll Need

Before diving into the cleaning process, gather all the necessary supplies. Having everything ready will make the process smoother and more efficient.

Here’s what you’ll need:

1. Mild Detergent

A mild liquid laundry detergent is perfect for spot cleaning stains on your mattress topper. Avoid using powdered detergents or harsh chemicals, as these can damage the fabric and foam. Mix the detergent with water in equal parts for a gentle cleaning solution.

2. Vacuum

A vacuum cleaner with a handheld attachment is essential for removing dust, dirt, and allergens from your mattress topper. Vacuuming both sides ensures a thorough clean.

3. Baking Soda

Baking soda is a fantastic deodorizer and stain remover. Sprinkle it over the topper to neutralize odors and draw out moisture. Let it sit for at least 8 hours before vacuuming it up.

4. Vinegar

Distilled white vinegar is a versatile cleaner that can tackle tough stains. Mix it with water in equal parts and use it to spot clean stains. Vinegar helps to disinfect and eliminate odors.

5. Spray Bottle

A spray bottle will help you apply cleaning solutions evenly. Use it for mixtures of mild detergent, vinegar, or any other liquid cleaning agents. Spraying ensures you don’t over-soak the topper.

6. Soft Towels

Soft, clean towels are crucial for blotting and drying your mattress topper. Use them to absorb excess moisture after spot cleaning. Light-colored towels are best to avoid any dye transfer.

7. Fan

A fan is useful for speeding up the drying process. Point it at your mattress topper to help it dry faster, especially after deep cleaning or spot cleaning.

8. Dryer

While you can’t put the entire topper in a dryer, some toppers come with removable covers that are machine washable. Always check the care label first. For drying the topper itself, rely on air drying and fans.

Having these supplies on hand will make cleaning your mattress topper straightforward and effective. Next, we’ll move on to Step 1: Check the Care Instructions to ensure you’re following the manufacturer’s guidelines.

Cleaning Supplies for Mattress Topper - How to clean a mattress topper

Step 1: Check the Care Instructions

Before you start cleaning, the most critical step is to read the care label on your mattress topper. This label contains the manufacturer’s guidelines, which are essential for avoiding any damage to your topper. Ignoring these instructions can lead to ruined fabric, foam, or even voiding your warranty.

Why is this important? Each mattress topper is made from different materials, and what works for one may not work for another. For example, some toppers can only be spot cleaned, while others have removable covers that can be machine washed. Knowing these details will save you from potential mishaps.

Manufacturer Guidelines

Locate the Care Label: The care label is usually sewn into the seam of the mattress topper. It will provide specific cleaning methods custom to the material of your topper.

Common Instructions Include:

  • Spot Clean Only: Some toppers, especially those made of memory foam, can only be spot cleaned. This involves using a damp cloth and mild detergent to clean specific areas.
  • Removable Cover: If your topper has a removable cover, you can often machine wash the cover separately. Always check if it needs to be washed in cold or warm water and whether it should be air-dried or tumble-dried on low heat.
  • Machine Washable: A few toppers are entirely machine washable, but this is less common. Always double-check the label to confirm.
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Specific Cleaning Methods

Spot Cleaning: If the label says “spot clean only,” use a mixture of lukewarm water and mild detergent. Gently dab the stained area with a cloth or sponge.

Machine Washing Covers: For toppers with removable covers, unzip and remove the cover. Follow the washing instructions on the label. Typically, you’ll wash it in cold or warm water with a mild detergent and tumble dry on low heat or air dry.

Enzyme Cleaners: For tough stains like urine or blood, an enzyme-based cleaner can be effective. Spray the cleaner onto a cloth and blot the stain, avoiding excessive scrubbing.

Hydrogen Peroxide: As a last resort for stubborn stains, you can use a mixture of one part hydrogen peroxide and one part water. Be cautious, as hydrogen peroxide can damage some materials.

By following the manufacturer’s guidelines and using the right cleaning methods, you can keep your mattress topper in great shape without risking damage.

Next, we’ll move on to Step 2: Vacuum Your Mattress Topper to remove dirt, allergens, and debris.

Step 2: Vacuum Your Mattress Topper

Once you’ve checked the care instructions, it’s time to vacuum your mattress topper. This step is crucial for removing dirt, allergens, and debris that accumulate over time.

Why Vacuuming Matters

Your mattress topper can collect dust, dead skin cells, and other particles. Vacuuming helps to keep it clean and extend its lifespan. Experts emphasize, “Ensuring that your mattress topper is kept clean is an easy way to ensure you get a great night’s sleep.”

Tools You’ll Need

  • Vacuum Cleaner: Preferably with a hand tool attachment.
  • Soft Brush Attachment: This helps in gently cleaning the surface without damaging the fabric.

Steps to Vacuum Your Mattress Topper

  1. Remove the Topper: Take the mattress topper off your bed and place it on a flat, hard surface like the floor. This makes it easier to reach all corners.

  2. Attach the Soft Brush Tool: Attach the soft brush tool to your vacuum cleaner. A hard brush can damage the topper’s fabric.

  3. Vacuum Both Sides: Start by vacuuming one side of the topper. Use circular motions to ensure you cover the entire surface. Flip the topper and repeat on the other side.

  4. Focus on Edges and Seams: Pay special attention to the edges and seams where dust and debris tend to accumulate.

Regular vacuuming helps remove dust, allergens, and debris from your mattress topper. - How to clean a mattress topper infographic 4<em>facts</em>emoji_light-gradient

Pro Tip

For an even deeper clean, consider using a handheld vacuum cleaner or a water-based vacuum cleaner. Experts note, “Frequent vacuuming prevents the accumulation of dust and debris, making your sleep environment healthier.”

By following these steps, you’ll ensure that your mattress topper is free from dirt and allergens, making it a cleaner and more comfortable addition to your bed.

Next, we’ll move on to Step 3: Spot Clean Stains to tackle any specific spots or stains on your mattress topper.

Step 3: Spot Clean Stains

Spot cleaning is essential for keeping your mattress topper in top shape. Here’s how to tackle specific stains effectively.

General Spot Cleaning

Supplies You’ll Need:

  • Lukewarm water
  • Mild detergent
  • Soft towels or paper towels
  • Spray bottle


  1. Mix Cleaning Solution: Combine lukewarm water and a mild detergent in a spray bottle.
  2. Dab the Stain: Lightly spray the solution on the stain. Use a soft towel or paper towel to dab the area. Avoid rubbing, as this can push the stain deeper into the fabric.
  3. Blot Dry: Use a dry towel to blot out excess moisture.

Removing Specific Stains

Urine Stains


  • Distilled white vinegar
  • Baking soda
  • Enzyme cleaner (optional)
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  1. Initial Blot: Blot the stain with a towel to remove as much liquid as possible.
  2. Spray Vinegar Solution: Mix equal parts cool water and distilled white vinegar in a spray bottle. Spray the affected area.
  3. Blot Again: Use a towel to blot out the vinegar solution.
  4. Apply Baking Soda: Sprinkle baking soda over the area and let it sit for at least 8 hours.
  5. Vacuum: Vacuum up the baking soda.

Note: For persistent stains, a commercial enzyme cleaner can break down the proteins in urine more effectively.

Blood Stains


  • Cold water
  • Baking soda
  • Hydrogen peroxide (use sparingly)


  1. Cold Water Rinse: Use cold water to rinse the stained area. Cold water helps break down blood proteins.
  2. Apply Baking Soda Paste: Make a paste with baking soda and cold water. Apply it to the stain and let it sit for 30 minutes.
  3. Rinse and Blot: Rinse with cold water and blot dry.
  4. Use Hydrogen Peroxide: For tough stains, apply a small amount of hydrogen peroxide. Be cautious, as it can bleach the fabric.

Sweat Stains


  • Lemon juice
  • Baking soda


  1. Lemon Juice Application: Apply lemon juice directly to the stain.
  2. Sprinkle Baking Soda: Sprinkle baking soda over the lemon juice.
  3. Let Sit: Allow the mixture to sit for 30 minutes.
  4. Blot and Rinse: Blot with a towel and rinse with cold water.

Pro Tip: Martin Seeley, CEO of MattressNextDay, recommends using lemon juice for its natural bleaching properties to tackle sweat stains effectively.

General Tough Stains


  • Boric acid
  • Mild detergent


  1. Mix Solution: Mix a small amount of boric acid with lukewarm water and mild detergent.
  2. Dab the Stain: Apply the solution with a cloth, dabbing gently.
  3. Blot and Rinse: Blot with a dry towel and rinse with cold water.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your mattress topper remains clean and stain-free. Next, we’ll explore Step 4: Deodorize Your Mattress Topper to keep it smelling fresh.

Step 4: Deodorize Your Mattress Topper

Keeping your mattress topper fresh is crucial for a good night’s sleep. Here’s how to deodorize your mattress topper effectively.

Supplies You’ll Need:

  • Baking soda
  • Vacuum cleaner with a handheld attachment

Steps to Deodorize

  1. Sprinkle Baking Soda: Start by sprinkling a thin, even layer of baking soda over the entire surface of your mattress topper. Baking soda is a natural deodorizer and will help neutralize odors.

  2. Let It Sit: Allow the baking soda to sit on the mattress topper for at least 8 hours. For best results, leave it overnight. This gives the baking soda enough time to absorb any lingering smells and moisture.

  3. Vacuum Thoroughly: After the baking soda has done its job, vacuum the mattress topper thoroughly using a handheld attachment. Make sure to remove all the baking soda to avoid any residue.

Pro Tip: If odors persist, you can repeat the process or add a few drops of essential oil to the baking soda before sprinkling it. This can add a pleasant scent to your mattress topper.

By following these steps, you can keep your mattress topper smelling fresh and clean, ensuring a comfortable sleep environment.

Next, we’ll explore Step 5: Air Dry Your Mattress Topper to ensure it’s completely dry before use.

Step 5: Air Dry Your Mattress Topper

Proper drying is crucial to prevent mold and mildew on your mattress topper. Here’s how to air dry your mattress topper effectively.

Flat Surface

Start by laying your mattress topper on a flat surface. This could be a clean floor, a large table, or any other spacious area in your home. Make sure the surface is free from dirt and debris to avoid transferring any grime onto your topper.


If you prefer, you can also hang your mattress topper on a clothesline. This method allows for better air circulation, which can speed up the drying process. Ensure the clothesline is sturdy enough to support the weight of the topper.

Flip Occasionally

To ensure even drying, flip your mattress topper occasionally. This helps both sides dry out completely and prevents any damp spots. Aim to flip it every few hours if possible.

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Avoid Direct Sunlight

While it might be tempting to use the sun’s heat to speed up drying, direct sunlight can damage the materials of your mattress topper. UV rays can break down foam and other materials, reducing the topper’s lifespan. Instead, choose a shaded area for drying.

Use a Fan

To speed up the drying process, consider placing a fan near your mattress topper. The airflow helps evaporate moisture more quickly. If you have a ceiling fan, that works great too. Just make sure the fan is set to a gentle setting to avoid disturbing the topper.

By following these steps, you can ensure your mattress topper is thoroughly dry and ready for use, maintaining its comfort and longevity.

Next, we’ll answer some Frequently Asked Questions about Cleaning a Mattress Topper to address any lingering doubts you might have.

Frequently Asked Questions about Cleaning a Mattress Topper

Can you wash a mattress topper in the washing machine?

The answer depends on the type of mattress topper you have. Some toppers are machine washable, but many are not. Always check the care instructions provided by the manufacturer.

  • Machine Washable Toppers: These typically have a removable cover that can be washed. Follow the care label for washing guidelines, such as water temperature and detergent type.
  • Foam Toppers: Memory foam and polyfoam toppers should not be washed in a machine. The agitation can damage the foam structure. Instead, stick to spot cleaning and vacuuming.

How to clean a mattress topper without washing it?

If your mattress topper isn’t machine washable, you can still keep it clean using a few simple methods:

  • Spot Cleaning: For small stains, use a mix of lukewarm water and mild detergent. Dab at the stain with a cloth or sponge, then let it air dry.
  • Vacuuming: Regularly vacuum both sides of your topper to remove dust, hair, and other debris. Use a handheld vacuum for best results.
  • Baking Soda: Sprinkle baking soda over the entire surface to deodorize. Let it sit for a few hours, then vacuum it up.
  • Vinegar: For tougher stains, a solution of vinegar and water can be effective. Spray the solution on the stain, let it sit for a few minutes, then blot it dry with a clean cloth.

How to remove odor from a mattress topper?

Unpleasant odors can build up over time. Here’s how to tackle them:

  • Baking Soda: Spread a thin layer of baking soda over the mattress topper. Leave it on for at least 8 hours to absorb odors, then vacuum it up.
  • Vinegar: Mix equal parts vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Lightly mist the topper and let it air dry. Vinegar helps neutralize odors without leaving a strong scent.
  • Air Drying: After cleaning, let the topper air dry in a well-ventilated area. This helps remove any lingering moisture and odors. Avoid direct sunlight to prevent material damage.

By following these steps, you can keep your mattress topper fresh and clean without causing damage. If you have more specific questions, always refer to the manufacturer’s care instructions first.


Cleaning your mattress topper might seem daunting, but it’s essential for a healthy and comfortable sleep environment. Regular maintenance can prevent the buildup of dust mites, bacteria, and allergens, ensuring you wake up refreshed and refreshd every morning.

At Yawnder, we understand the importance of a clean and comfortable sleeping space. Our expert evaluations and mattress and bedding reviews provide you with the best options for every type of sleeper. Whether you need a firm or plush feel, memory foam, or natural materials, we’ve got you covered.

Plus, with our direct-to-door shipping, getting your new mattress or topper is hassle-free. Say goodbye to restless nights and hello to better sleep with Yawnder’s top-rated bedding solutions.

For more tips on maintaining a clean and hypoallergenic sleep environment, explore our comprehensive guides and expert advice. Happy sleeping!

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