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Verifying Celliant’s Effectiveness, is it Worth It?

Picture of Ben Trapskin

Ben Trapskin

I have carefully studied and evaluated many mattresses, sheets, pillows, duvet inserts, comforters, sleep gadgets, and adjustable beds for over a deca... Full Bio
a woman sleeping in a bed

Does Celliant Really Work? Top 5 Proven Benefits 2024

Why Celliant Fiber Matters for Better Sleep

Does Celliant really work? This is a common question as more people explore ways to improve their sleep quality. Let’s dive in right away—with no long-winded answers—to give you a quick snapshot:

  • Yes, Celliant works.
  • Improves sleep quality and muscle recovery.
  • Backed by clinical studies.

Celliant fiber is a cutting-edge material designed to absorb and convert body heat into infrared energy, which is then reflected back to you. This process can improve blood flow, regulate body temperature, and even improve muscle recovery while you sleep. If you’re an athlete or someone with chronic back pain, understanding how this fiber works could be a game-changer for your nightly rest.

I’m Ben Trapskin, and my journey with sleep technology began after facing numerous sleep challenges myself. I’ve dedicated years to researching sleep products to answer the question, “Does Celliant really work?”, and help others achieve better sleep.

Stay tuned as we explore how this groundbreaking technology could transform your sleep experience.

infographic summary of Celliant's benefits - Does Celliant really work? infographic brainstorm-6-items

Key Does Celliant really work? vocabulary:

What is Celliant Fiber?

Celliant fiber is a high-tech material designed to improve your overall well-being by converting body heat into infrared energy. This unique fiber is developed by Hologenix, a company renowned for its innovations in responsive textiles. But what makes Celliant truly exceptional? Let’s break it down.

Composition of Celliant

Celliant fiber is crafted from a blend of 13 thermo-reactive minerals. These include:

  • Silicone Dioxide
  • Titanium Dioxide
  • Aluminum Dioxide

Additionally, it contains 88 trace elements. These minerals are ground into a fine powder and then embedded into synthetic fibers like polyester, nylon, or even wool. This blend is what allows Celliant to perform its magic without wearing off or breaking down over time.

How Celliant Works

Celliant operates on a simple yet fascinating principle: it absorbs body heat and converts it into infrared energy, which is then reflected back into your body. Here’s a step-by-step explanation of how this process works:

  1. Body Heat Absorption: As you sleep, your body releases heat. This heat is absorbed by the Celliant fiber in your mattress or bedding.
  2. Infrared Energy Conversion: The thermo-reactive minerals in Celliant convert this absorbed heat into infrared energy.
  3. Infrared Energy Reflection: This newly created infrared energy is then reflected back into your body.

Infrared Energy Reflection - Does Celliant really work?


One of the standout features of Celliant is its ability to regulate body temperature. Unlike traditional materials that might trap heat, making you feel too warm, Celliant helps maintain an optimal sleeping temperature. This is crucial for achieving restful and restorative sleep.

Why is thermoregulation important?

  • Prevents Overheating: Keeps you cool by wicking away excess heat.
  • Improves Sleep Quality: Helps you stay in a deep sleep cycle longer.
  • Supports Muscle Recovery: Aids in faster muscle recovery by improving blood flow and oxygenation.

In summary, Celliant fiber’s unique composition and functioning make it a promising material for anyone looking to improve their sleep quality and overall health. By converting body heat into beneficial infrared energy, it not only helps regulate your body temperature but also improves blood flow and muscle recovery.

Stay with us as we dig deeper into the clinical studies and real-world testimonials to answer the burning question: “Does Celliant really work?”

Benefits of Celliant Fiber


One of the most impressive aspects of Celliant fiber is its durability. The thermo-reactive minerals embedded in the fiber are designed to last the lifetime of the product. Unlike coatings that may wash out or wear off, these minerals are part of the fiber itself. This means you continue to receive the benefits of Celliant, wash after wash, year after year.

Body Temperature Regulation

Thermoregulation is another significant benefit of Celliant fiber. This material is naturally moisture-wicking, making it a great option for hot and sweaty sleepers. But it goes beyond just wicking moisture. Celliant helps your body maintain its ideal sleeping temperature by converting body heat into infrared energy and reflecting it back into your body.

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Why is this important?

  • Prevents Overheating: Keeps you cool by wicking away excess heat.
  • Improves Sleep Quality: Helps you stay in a deep sleep cycle longer.
  • Supports Muscle Recovery: Aids in faster muscle recovery by improving blood flow and oxygenation.

Increased Muscle Recovery and Blood Flow

Celliant fiber also shines in the area of muscle recovery and blood flow. The infrared energy it reflects back into your body promotes vasodilation, or the dilation of blood vessels. This increased blood flow brings more oxygen to your muscles, which can aid in faster recovery.

Clinical studies have shown that wearing Celliant fabric can increase tissue oxygenation in the skin and improve grip strength. This is crucial for athletes and anyone with an active lifestyle. Improved blood flow and oxygenation can mean quicker recovery times and better overall performance.

  • Vasodilation: Helps increase blood flow.
  • Oxygenation: Brings more oxygen to muscle tissue.
  • Faster Recovery: Links between sleep quality and muscle recovery are well-documented, and Celliant helps improve both.

In summary, Celliant fiber offers a range of benefits, from long-lasting durability to improved thermoregulation and improved muscle recovery. These features make it a compelling choice for anyone looking to optimize their sleep and overall well-being.

Stay with us as we dig deeper into the clinical studies and real-world testimonials to answer the burning question: “Does Celliant really work?”

Does Celliant Really Work?

Clinical Studies and Research

Celliant’s effectiveness has been the subject of various clinical studies and peer-reviewed research. The studies focus on how Celliant impacts blood flow, oxygen levels, and overall physical performance.

One of the earliest studies, published in the Journal of Thermal Biology in 2009, demonstrated that Celliant-infused fabrics were significantly more effective in utilizing the human body’s naturally generated heat compared to standard textiles. This study indicated potential performance and recovery benefits, especially for athletes.

In 2013, a clinical trial published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that individuals wearing Celliant garments showed significant improvements in muscular strength and endurance compared to those wearing regular clothing. This suggests that the re-emission of infrared energy may positively impact muscular performance and recovery.

Another study, published in the Journal of Chiropractic Medicine in 2014, examined the impact of Celliant on sleep quality. Participants using Celliant-infused mattress covers experienced improved sleep quality and increased periods of restful sleep compared to those using regular covers. This supports the claim that Celliant can improve the overall sleep experience.

A more recent study from 2022 in the Journal of Sports Science & Medicine demonstrated that athletes wearing Celliant-infused garments experienced a significant reduction in delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). This study concluded that infrared energy re-emission could support muscle recovery and mitigate the effects of strenuous exercise.

User Testimonials

While clinical studies provide a solid foundation, user testimonials offer real-world insights into Celliant’s effectiveness. Many users, particularly athletes, have reported noticeable improvements in various aspects of their physical performance and recovery.

For instance, Bear Mattress, which incorporates Celliant technology, has received numerous positive reviews from customers. One reviewer mentioned, “My back hasn’t felt this good in years—I’ve been an active competitive athlete and sleep is the easiest version of recovery.”

Another user highlighted the benefits of Celliant in reducing pain: “I have lower back pain and we both work out at least five times a week. The Celliant-infused mattress has just enough cushion to be comfortable while being firm, and it has significantly reduced my pain.”

These testimonials align with scientific findings that suggest Celliant can improve sleep quality, improve athletic performance, and aid in pain relief.

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Does Celliant really work? The combination of clinical studies and real-world testimonials strongly indicates that Celliant technology offers tangible benefits, particularly in improving sleep quality, enhancing muscle recovery, and boosting overall physical performance.

Stay tuned as we explore how Celliant is used in mattresses and other bedding products to maximize these benefits.

How is Celliant Used in Mattresses?

Celliant technology is increasingly being integrated into mattresses to improve sleep quality and physical recovery. Two leading brands utilizing Celliant are Bear and Amerisleep.

Bear Mattresses: Bear offers a range of mattresses, all featuring Celliant-infused covers. The Bear Original is an all-foam mattress with a top layer of Celliant-infused memory foam. This layer not only provides comfort but also aids in muscle recovery and improves sleep quality. The Bear Elite Hybrid combines cooling gel memory foam with pocketed coils, making it a popular choice for athletes due to its zoned support and cooling properties.

Amerisleep Mattresses: Amerisleep also incorporates Celliant in its mattress covers, particularly in the AS2 and AS3 models. These mattresses blend Celliant technology with high-performance memory foam, offering both comfort and improved recovery benefits.

Effectiveness in Bedding

Celliant’s benefits are not limited to mattresses alone. It is also used in various bedding products like sheets, mattress pads, and sleepwear.

Sheets: Celliant-infused sheets are designed to be in close contact with your skin, maximizing the reflection of infrared energy. This helps in regulating body temperature and improving sleep quality. Users have reported that these sheets are smooth, cool to sleep on, and durable, lasting for years even with regular use.

Mattress Pads: Mattress pads with Celliant technology offer an additional layer of comfort and recovery benefits. However, it’s important to note that layering too many fabrics between you and the Celliant material can reduce its effectiveness.

Sleepwear: Brands like Under Armour incorporate Celliant into their sleepwear, claiming benefits like improved muscle recovery and better sleep. While some users have noted these benefits, others have not perceived significant differences compared to regular sleepwear.

Fabric Blends

Celliant is often blended with other fabrics like cotton, wool, or polyester. This blending ensures durability and comfort while maintaining the benefits of infrared energy reflection. Most mattress covers containing Celliant are around 20% Celliant fiber and 80% other fabric fibers, ensuring a balance of comfort and functionality.

Product Reviews

User reviews provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of Celliant in bedding products. For example, one customer who bought a Celliant mattress cover reported, “I quickly finded that my sore muscles were practically gone in the morning and that I slept really well.”

Another review highlighted the durability and comfort of Celliant sheets: “We have literally been using the same set of sheets for 3 years so they hold up well. They are smooth but not slippery and cool to sleep on.”

These testimonials, along with clinical studies, suggest that Celliant-infused bedding products can offer significant benefits, particularly for those seeking improved sleep quality and muscle recovery.

Stay tuned as we dive into frequently asked questions about Celliant to address any lingering concerns or questions you may have.

Frequently Asked Questions about Celliant

Is Celliant Fiber Safe?

Yes, Celliant fiber is safe. It is a non-invasive material, meaning it doesn’t interfere with your body in a harmful way. Since its introduction in 2003, there have been no reported allergies related to Celliant. This is quite reassuring for those with sensitive skin or allergy concerns.

Celliant is also FDA-regulated. While the FDA classifies many products as “medical devices,” including tongue depressors and bedpans, this certification provides an additional layer of trust. It indicates that Celliant has been scrutinized and deemed safe for use in consumer products.

Do Celliant Sheets Work?

Yes, Celliant sheets can be effective. The key to their effectiveness lies in their close contact with your skin. The infrared energy reflection helps regulate body temperature and improve sleep quality.

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For optimal benefits, it’s best if the Celliant sheets are directly in contact with your skin, or at most, separated by a thin layer like pajamas. Users have reported various benefits, such as better sleep quality and reduced muscle soreness. One user even noted, “We have literally been using the same set of sheets for 3 years so they hold up well. They are smooth but not slippery and cool to sleep on.”

Can You Use a Mattress Pad on Celliant Mattresses?

Yes, you can use a mattress pad, but it’s important to consider the layering effects. The more layers you place between your body and the Celliant material, the less effective it becomes. Some of the infrared energy will be absorbed by the mattress pad, reducing the benefits you receive.

For optimal usage, it’s best to minimize the layers between you and the Celliant fabric. If you do use a mattress pad, choose one that is thin and breathable to allow some of the infrared energy to reach you.

By addressing these common questions, we hope to clarify any concerns you might have about using Celliant in your bedding. Next, we’ll dig deeper into user testimonials and clinical studies to further verify the effectiveness of Celliant.


At Yawnder, our mission is to provide unbiased evaluations and expert reviews to help you make informed decisions about your sleep products. When it comes to Celliant, the research and user testimonials offer a compelling case for its effectiveness. But as with any innovative technology, it’s important to look at the evidence critically.

Unbiased Evaluations

We’ve examined multiple studies and user experiences to give you a balanced view. For instance, a 2009 study in the Journal of Thermal Biology showed that Celliant fabrics effectively recycle body heat into infrared energy, potentially enhancing athletic performance and recovery. Similarly, a 2014 study published in the Journal of Chiropractic Medicine found that Celliant-infused mattress covers improved sleep quality.

However, it’s also crucial to note the conflicts of interest in some of these studies. Many were funded by Hologenix LLC, the manufacturer of Celliant. This doesn’t necessarily invalidate the findings, but it does suggest that more independent research is needed.

Expert Reviews

Our expert reviewers have tested Celliant products firsthand, including mattress pads and sheets. The consensus is that Celliant can offer benefits like improved sleep quality and reduced muscle soreness. Yet, manage expectations. While some users report significant improvements, others see minimal changes.

For example, one reviewer noted, “I’ve been using Celliant sheets for over a year, and I’ve noticed better sleep quality and less muscle pain after workouts.” Another user mentioned, “The sheets are comfortable and cool, but I didn’t experience any dramatic changes in my sleep or recovery.”

Better Sleep Products

Whether Celliant is right for you may depend on your specific needs and conditions. If you’re an athlete looking to improve performance and recovery, or someone struggling with sleep quality, Celliant could be worth a try. But it’s also important to consider other factors like mattress quality, room environment, and personal health.

For those interested in exploring budget-friendly mattress options infused with Celliant, you can check out our guide to budget-friendly memory foam mattresses.

In conclusion, while the jury is still out on the full extent of Celliant’s benefits, the existing research and user testimonials suggest it has potential. As always, we recommend trying it for yourself to see if it meets your needs and improves your sleep experience.

By providing thorough, well-researched reviews, we aim to help you find the best products for better sleep. Thank you for trusting Yawnder as your go-to source for sleep product reviews and recommendations.

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Text us at 858-232-5760 for assistance. We’re happy to help!

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