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Everything You Need to Know About Helight for Sleep Benefits

Picture of Ben Trapskin

Ben Trapskin

I have carefully studied and evaluated many mattresses, sheets, pillows, duvet inserts, comforters, sleep gadgets, and adjustable beds for over a deca... Full Bio
helight for sleep

Helight for Sleep: 5 Amazing Benefits in 2024

The Power of Helight for Better Sleep

Have you heard of Helight for sleep? This innovative device uses red light therapy to help improve sleep quality by impacting your circadian rhythm and enhancing melatonin production. Here are some quick points on what Helight Sleep offers:

  • Red Light Therapy: Specifically calibrated at 630 nanometers to aid sleep.
  • Improved Melatonin Production: Helps set the sleep-wake cycle.
  • NASA-Inspired: Developed based on NASA research on light exposure and sleep.
  • Improved Sleep Quality: More restful and deeper sleep.

Do you wake up groggy or find it hard to fall asleep? You might just need some red light to signal your brain that it’s time to rest. Modern electric lighting has disturbed our natural sleep patterns, but red light, similar to the natural hues of sunset, can help restore them. Helight’s 28-minute cycle mimics the gradual fading of daylight, promoting a smooth transition to sleep.

My name is Ben Trapskin, and after battling sleep issues myself, I’ve become passionate about helping others achieve better rest. Through my research, I’ve found Helight for sleep to be a game-changer that offers a natural and non-invasive solution to common sleep problems.

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Helight for sleep definitions:

What is Helight Sleep?

Helight Sleep is a device that uses red light therapy to help improve sleep quality. Let’s break down what makes it unique and effective.

Red Light Therapy

Red light therapy involves exposing your body to low-intensity red light. Helight Sleep specifically uses a wavelength of 630 nanometers. This wavelength is crucial because it closely mimics the natural light at sunset, signaling to your brain that it’s time to wind down and prepare for sleep.

Patented Protocol

Helight Sleep isn’t just any red light. It follows a patented protocol that includes precise timing, diffusion, and intensity. The device emits red light for 14 minutes at an optimal intensity, then gradually fades out over another 14 minutes. This 28-minute cycle mirrors the natural transition from daylight to darkness, helping you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.

NASA Inspiration

The development of Helight Sleep is inspired by NASA. NASA has conducted extensive research on light exposure and its effects on sleep, especially for astronauts on the International Space Station. They found that different light wavelengths can significantly impact sleep-wake cycles. Helight Sleep incorporates these findings to offer a scientifically-backed solution for better sleep.


Photobiomodulation is a process where cells absorb light and convert it into energy. This helps improve cellular function and repair. Helight Sleep uses this principle to improve melatonin production naturally, a hormone essential for regulating your sleep-wake cycle.

Real-World Impact

Helight Sleep has been used by sleep doctors, professional athletes, and even at major events like the 2023 Women’s World Cup and the 2024 Oscars. These endorsements highlight its effectiveness and reliability.

Key Features:

  • 630nm Wavelength: Optimized for sleep improvement.
  • Patented 28-Minute Cycle: Mimics natural light transition.
  • NASA-Inspired: Based on cutting-edge research.
  • Photobiomodulation: Improves natural melatonin production.

In summary, Helight Sleep combines advanced technology and scientific research to offer a natural way to improve sleep quality. If you’re struggling with sleep issues, this could be the tool you need to finally get a good night’s rest.

Next, let’s dive into how Helight for sleep actually works to improve your sleep quality.

How Does Helight for Sleep Work?

Helight Sleep works by leveraging the power of red light exposure to improve melatonin production, regulate your sleep-wake cycle, and improve overall sleep quality.

Red Light Exposure

Helight Sleep uses a specific wavelength of 630 nanometers, which is key to its effectiveness. This wavelength is reminiscent of the natural light at sunset, signaling to your brain that it’s time to wind down. This process helps your body transition smoothly from wakefulness to sleep.

Melatonin Production

Melatonin is a hormone that plays a crucial role in regulating your sleep-wake cycle. Exposure to red light at 630nm stimulates photobiomodulation, a process where cells absorb light and convert it into energy. This helps to naturally boost melatonin levels, making it easier for you to fall asleep and stay asleep.

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Sleep-Wake Cycle

Your circadian rhythm, or sleep-wake cycle, is heavily influenced by light exposure. Helight Sleep mimics the natural transition from daylight to darkness with its 28-minute cycle. The device emits red light for 14 minutes and then gradually fades out over another 14 minutes. This pattern helps your brain interpret it as the end of the day, promoting a smoother transition to sleep.


One of the immediate benefits you’ll notice with Helight Sleep is a sense of relaxation. The gentle red light helps to calm your mind and body, reducing stress and preparing you for a restful night. This relaxation effect is particularly useful for those who struggle with anxiety or have trouble winding down before bed.

Sleep Quality

Improved sleep quality is one of the standout benefits of using Helight Sleep. Users report falling asleep faster and enjoying deeper, more restorative sleep. This not only helps you wake up feeling more refreshed but also has long-term benefits for your overall health.

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Helight for sleep works by creating an optimal environment for your body to produce melatonin and regulate your sleep-wake cycle naturally. It’s a simple yet effective way to improve sleep quality without the need for supplements or medications.

Next, let’s explore the benefits of using Helight for sleep.

Benefits of Using Helight for Sleep

Fall Asleep Faster

One of the most immediate benefits of using Helight for sleep is the ability to fall asleep faster. The device emits a specific wavelength of red light (630 nanometers) that mimics the natural light at sunset. This signals your brain that it’s time to wind down, helping to boost melatonin production naturally. Dr. Angela Holliday-Bell, a board-certified sleep expert, praises Helight for its practicality and ease of use, making it a seamless addition to any bedtime routine.

Stay Asleep Longer

Once you fall asleep, staying asleep is crucial for overall sleep quality. Helight Sleep helps you achieve this by maintaining an optimal environment for sleep throughout the night. Users like Leonard Zaichkowsky, Ph.D., a retired professor and performance consultant, report fewer interruptions and more continuous sleep after incorporating Helight into their routines.

Improve Sleep Quality

Improved sleep quality is a standout benefit of Helight Sleep. Users often experience deeper, more restorative sleep, which is crucial for overall health. Karam Al-Hamdani, Director of Sports Medicine, has objectively measured improvements in deep sleep using a smart ring. This means you wake up feeling more refreshed and ready to tackle the day.

Reduce Jet Lag

For frequent travelers, jet lag can be a significant issue. Helight is portable and can help mitigate the effects of jet lag by regulating your sleep-wake cycle, even in different time zones. Dr. Angela Holliday-Bell highlights its portability as a key feature that helps her recover more quickly from jet lag.

Portable Device

The compact and portable design of Helight Sleep makes it easy to take with you wherever you go. Whether you’re traveling for work or vacation, you can maintain your sleep routine. The device is small enough to fit in your overnight bag, ensuring that you get quality sleep no matter where you are.

In summary, Helight for sleep offers a range of benefits that can significantly improve your sleep experience. From helping you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer to improving overall sleep quality and reducing jet lag, this portable device is a game-changer for anyone looking to improve their sleep.

Scientific Backing and Expert Opinions

NASA Research

Helight Sleep draws significant inspiration from NASA’s research on light exposure and sleep. NASA has studied how different wavelengths of light affect astronauts’ sleep on the International Space Station (ISS). Their findings led to the installation of a new lighting system on the ISS that mimics natural sunlight cycles—blue in the morning, white during the day, and red in the evening. This research underpins Helight’s design, specifically its use of a 630nm red light to promote relaxation and melatonin production.

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Sleep Doctors

Many sleep experts endorse Helight for sleep due to its scientific foundation. Dr. Leonard Zaichkowsky, a retired professor and performance consultant, praises the device for its ability to help users fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. He notes that the red wavelength of light has been shown to improve melatonin release, which is crucial for sleep quality. Dr. Angela Holliday-Bell also highlights the device’s practicality and ease of use, making it a valuable addition to any bedtime routine.

Professional Athletes

Professional athletes have also acceptd Helight Sleep for its benefits in enhancing sleep quality and recovery. Teams like CF Montreal and the Ohio Columbus Crew use the device to help their players get better rest, which is essential for peak performance. Karam Al-Hamdani, Director of Sports Medicine at CF Montreal, has objectively measured improvements in deep sleep with the use of a biometric ring after incorporating Helight into the athletes’ routines.

Clinical Studies

Several clinical studies back the efficacy of red light therapy, or photobiomodulation, in improving sleep. For example, a study published in Nature found that specific wavelengths of red light can significantly improve sleep quality by promoting deeper, more restorative sleep. Another study in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine demonstrated that red light exposure in the evening could increase melatonin levels, leading to better sleep onset and maintenance.


Photobiomodulation is the process by which cells transform light into energy, providing various health benefits, including improved sleep. The 630nm wavelength used in Helight Sleep is precisely calibrated to maximize these benefits. This technology is not only safe but also effective, as evidenced by numerous studies and expert endorsements.

In summary, Helight for sleep is backed by robust scientific research and expert opinions, making it a reliable choice for anyone looking to improve their sleep quality. From NASA’s groundbreaking studies to endorsements from sleep doctors and professional athletes, the evidence supporting Helight Sleep is compelling.

User Experiences and Testimonials

Positive Reviews

Helight Sleep has garnered numerous positive reviews from users who have experienced significant improvements in their sleep quality. Many users report falling asleep faster, staying asleep longer, and waking up feeling more refreshed.

Sleep Tracking Improvements

A standout feature for many users is the improvement in sleep tracking metrics. For instance, one user noted a 5% increase in their average sleep score and a two-point rise in their readiness score after using Helight Sleep for a month. This data was validated by their Oura Ring, a popular sleep tracking device.

Oura Scores

The Oura Ring, known for its detailed sleep analysis, has been instrumental in showcasing Helight’s effectiveness. Users have reported better sleep scores, improved heart rate variability, and more consistent sleep patterns. One user shared, “My average sleep score climbed from 85.3 to 90.2, and my readiness score went up by two points.”

Personal Stories

Numerous personal stories highlight the transformative impact of Helight Sleep. Carleigh, a sleep enthusiast, shared her experience: “Since implementing the Helight into my routine, I have more energy for morning workouts, I’m more productive throughout the day, and I’m in a better mood.”

Expert Endorsements

Experts in sleep science and well-being also endorse Helight Sleep. Dr. Leonard Zaichkowsky and Dr. Angela Holliday-Bell have praised its ability to improve sleep quality through natural melatonin production. Professional athletes, including members of CF Montreal, have also benefited from using Helight, noting improvements in their deep sleep phases.

In summary, user experiences and testimonials strongly support the effectiveness of Helight for sleep. From positive reviews and improved sleep tracking metrics to personal stories and expert endorsements, the evidence is compelling.

How to Use Helight Sleep

How to Use Helight Sleep

Using Helight Sleep is straightforward and doesn’t require much effort. Here’s a quick guide to help you get started:

Turn on the Device

To begin, simply press the button on the top of the Helight device. This action will activate the red light therapy cycle.

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28-Minute Cycle

The Helight Sleep device operates in a 28-minute cycle. For the first 14 minutes, it emits pure red light at a wavelength of 630 nanometers. This light gradually fades out over the next 14 minutes, signaling your body to relax and prepare for sleep. After 28 minutes, the device turns off automatically.

Bedtime Routine

Incorporate Helight Sleep into your nightly routine for the best results. Here are some tips:

  • Turn it on before bed: Activate the device as you get into bed.
  • Close your eyes: The red light will penetrate your eyelids, promoting natural melatonin production.
  • Relax and unwind: Let the light do its work while you relax.


Helight Sleep is compact and portable, making it easy to take with you on trips. Its small size means it can fit into your overnight bag without taking up much space, helping you maintain your sleep routine even when you’re away from home.

No App Required

One of the best features of Helight Sleep is its simplicity. There’s no need to download an app or connect to Wi-Fi. Just press the button, and you’re good to go. This makes it accessible for everyone, including those who aren’t tech-savvy.

By following these simple steps, you can easily integrate Helight for sleep into your nightly routine and start experiencing better sleep quality.

Next, we’ll address some frequently asked questions about using Helight for sleep.

Frequently Asked Questions about Helight for Sleep

Does Helight really work?

Yes, Helight for sleep has shown positive results for many users. The device uses red light therapy at a specific wavelength (630 nm) to promote melatonin production, which helps regulate sleep.

Dr. Angela Holliday-Bell, a board-certified physician and sleep expert, endorses Helight, noting that it helps people “naturally fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and improve sleep quality.” Additionally, several professional athletes and doctors have reported improvements in their sleep quality and recovery from jet lag.

Which light color is best for sleeping?

Red light is considered the best color for promoting sleep. Unlike blue light, which can disrupt sleep by suppressing melatonin production, red light at the right wavelength (630 nm) helps signal your body to relax and prepare for sleep.

NASA has extensively studied light and its effects on circadian rhythms. They found that warmer light, such as red, triggers drowsiness and helps maintain a regular sleep cycle. This is why Helight Sleep uses a precise narrow-band wavelength of red light.

How long does it take to see results with Helight?

Results can vary from person to person. While some users notice improvements within the first few nights, others may take up to 21 days to see significant changes. Consistent use is key for the best results.

Ed O’Malley, PhD, an integrative sleep medicine expert, recommends using Helight every night as part of your bedtime routine. Regular use helps your body adjust and regulate its sleep patterns more effectively.

By addressing these common questions, we hope to provide a clearer understanding of how Helight for sleep can benefit you.


In summary, Helight for sleep is a game-changer for anyone looking to improve their sleep quality. This device uses scientifically backed red light therapy to help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and wake up feeling more refreshed.

At Yawnder, we are committed to enhancing your sleep experience with the best products available. Our expert evaluations ensure that every product we recommend has been thoroughly tested for effectiveness and safety.

We offer a range of better sleep products, including the Helight Sleep device, which is portable and easy to use. With direct-to-door shipping, getting started on your journey to better sleep has never been easier.

If you’re interested in exploring more sleep improvement options, check out our Yawnder mattress type collection.

Better sleep is just a click away.

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