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The Definitive Guide to Comparing Hastens vs. Vispring Mattresses

Picture of Ben Trapskin

Ben Trapskin

I have carefully studied and evaluated many mattresses, sheets, pillows, duvet inserts, comforters, sleep gadgets, and adjustable beds for over a deca... Full Bio
hastens vs vispring

Hastens vs. Vispring: Top 10 Ultimate Reviews 2024

Hastens vs. Vispring: When it comes to luxury mattresses, two brands reign supreme—Hästens and Vispring. If you are searching for the best blend of craftsmanship, natural materials, and unparalleled sleep quality, look no further.

Quick Comparison:

  • Hästens: Known for horsehair, Swedish craftsmanship, and a softer, “in-the-bed” feel.
  • Vispring: Famous for pocket springs, used in the Titanic, and a firmer, “on-the-bed” experience.

Both brands emphasize all-natural materials like wool, cotton, and horsehair, creating hypoallergenic and eco-friendly mattresses. They each offer exceptional durability, with Hästens providing a 25-year warranty and Vispring offering a 30-year guarantee. Customer experiences praise the outstanding comfort and support, but potential buyers should note the high investment cost. Whether you prefer Hästens’ luxurious soft feel or Vispring’s supportive firmness, you are investing in a lifetime of better sleep.

I’m Ben Trapskin, founder of Yawnder. My passion for sleep quality led me through countless mattress trials, ensuring you get the best insights into Hastens vs. Vispring. Let’s dive deeper into what makes these brands exceptional.

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Hastens vs. Vispring vocab to learn:

History and Background

Understanding the history and background of Hästens and Vispring helps highlight what sets these two brands apart in luxury mattresses. Both have fascinating origins rooted in craftsmanship and a commitment to using the finest natural materials.

Vispring’s Origins

Vispring’s story began in 1899 with an act of love. James Marshall, an English engineer, crafted a mattress by hand using natural materials to help his ill wife sleep better. This mattress was the first to use loose pocket springs, a groundbreaking innovation at the time.

In 1901, the Marshall Sanitary Mattress Company opened its doors in London, later rebranding to VI-spring in 1911. The name “VI-spring” comes from the Roman numeral VI, referring to the six coils used in the original pocket springs. Vispring quickly gained a reputation for luxury and even supplied mattresses to the Titanic.

Fast forward to today, and Vispring still adheres to traditional craftsmanship. Each mattress is handmade using only natural materials like wool, cotton, cashmere, silk, and horsetail hair. This commitment to quality ensures a luxurious and comfortable sleep experience.

Hästens’ Origins

Hästens’ legacy dates back to 1852 with Pehr Adolf Janson, a young Swedish man who aspired to be a master saddler. He received his certification from the King of Sweden and soon transitioned from saddlery to mattress-making as the demand for saddles declined with the advent of automobiles.

Hästens adapted by using horsetail hair in their mattresses, a material known for its durability and comfort. The brand’s logo—a horse—pays homage to its origins in saddlery and the use of horsehair in its products.

In 1978, Jack Ryde introduced Hästens’ iconic blue and white chequered pattern. Initially met with criticism, this design has become a symbol of the brand’s dedication to quality and craftsmanship. Today, every Hästens mattress is handmade in their Köping workshop, maintaining the same level of care and attention to detail that has defined the brand for over a century.

Both Vispring and Hästens have rich histories that showcase their commitment to craftsmanship, heritage, and the use of natural materials. Whether it’s Vispring’s pioneering use of pocket springs or Hästens’ innovative use of horsehair, these brands have set the standard for luxury mattresses.

Materials and Construction

When comparing Hästens vs. Vispring, understanding their materials and construction is key. Both brands pride themselves on using the finest natural materials and traditional craftsmanship to create their luxury mattresses.

Vispring’s Materials

Vispring mattresses are synonymous with luxury and quality, thanks to their use of premium natural materials. Each mattress is handcrafted using:

  • Wool: Sourced from the Shetland Isles, this wool is known for its loft and insulating properties. It helps regulate temperature, ensuring a comfortable sleep.
  • Cotton: Soft and breathable, cotton provides a cool and comfortable surface.
  • Cashmere and Silk: These materials add a layer of softness and luxury. They are also excellent at wicking moisture away from the body.
  • Horsetail Hair: Known for its resilience and breathability, horsetail hair adds durability and ventilation to the mattress.

Vispring’s commitment to using these natural materials means each mattress is not only luxurious but also environmentally friendly. The use of pocket springs, a feature Vispring pioneered, ensures optimal support and comfort.

Hästens’ Materials

Hästens also emphasizes the use of natural materials, and their mattresses are known for their unique blend of comfort and durability. Key materials include:

  • Wool: Like Vispring, Hästens uses wool for its temperature-regulating properties.
  • Cotton: Cotton adds breathability and softness to the mattress.
  • Horsetail Hair: Hand-teased horsehair is a signature material in Hästens mattresses. It provides exceptional ventilation and resilience.
  • Flax: Used for its durability and moisture-wicking properties, flax adds an extra layer of comfort.
  • Hand-Teased Horsehair: This traditional technique ensures that the horsehair is evenly distributed, providing consistent support and breathability.

Hästens mattresses are always paired with a topper, adding an extra layer of softness and creating a “cosier” feel. This combination of materials and construction techniques results in a mattress that feels like you are “in” the bed, rather than “on” it.

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Natural materials in Hästens mattresses - Hastens vs. Vispring

Both brands excel in using high-quality, natural materials to create their mattresses. However, the choice between them often comes down to personal preference and the specific feel you are looking for in a mattress. Vispring offers a firmer feel, while Hästens provides a softer, more enveloping experience.

Next, we’ll explore the comfort and support provided by Hästens and Vispring mattresses to help you determine which might be the best fit for your sleep needs.

Comfort and Support

When comparing Hästens vs. Vispring in terms of comfort and support, it’s important to understand how each brand’s design philosophy impacts the sleep experience. Both brands use high-quality materials and craftsmanship, but they cater to different preferences in terms of mattress firmness and sleeping feel.

Vispring’s Comfort

Vispring mattresses are known for their firmer feel. This means you will feel more like you are “on” the bed rather than “in” it. This firmness is achieved through the use of pocket springs and high-quality materials such as wool, cotton, cashmere, silk, and horsetail hair.

One notable feature of Vispring mattresses is that they are available without a topper. This is ideal for those who prefer a more supportive and firm sleeping surface. The absence of a topper allows the mattress to maintain its firm structure, providing excellent support for your spine and reducing pressure points.

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Pros of Vispring’s Comfort:

  • Firmer support: Ideal for those who need more support, particularly those with back issues.
  • Classic feel: You feel more on top of the mattress, which can be preferable for some sleepers.
  • Temperature regulation: The use of natural materials like wool helps in maintaining an optimal sleeping temperature.

Hästens’ Comfort

In contrast, Hästens mattresses offer a softer feel, creating a sensation of being “in” the bed rather than “on” it. This is partly due to Hästens’ practice of always combining their mattresses with a topper. The topper adds an extra layer of softness and comfort, enhancing the overall sleep experience.

Hästens uses materials such as wool, cotton, and hand-teased horsetail hair, which contribute to the mattress’s plush feel. The topper not only adds to the comfort but also aids in temperature regulation and moisture-wicking, ensuring a cozy and dry sleep environment.

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Pros of Hästens’ Comfort:

  • Softer, cosier feel: Ideal for those who enjoy a plush and enveloping sleep surface.
  • Improved comfort: The topper adds an extra layer of softness, making the mattress feel luxurious.
  • Good ventilation: Materials like hand-teased horsetail hair ensure excellent breathability, keeping the mattress cool.

Key Differences:

  • Firmness: Vispring is firmer, making you feel more on top of the bed, while Hästens is softer, making you feel more enveloped.
  • Topper: Vispring can be used without a topper, while Hästens always includes one.
  • Support: Both brands offer excellent support, but the feel and distribution of that support differ due to their design philosophies.

Choosing between Hästens vs. Vispring ultimately depends on your personal comfort preference. If you prefer a firmer mattress with a more traditional feel, Vispring might be the better choice. On the other hand, if you enjoy a softer, more cushioned sleep experience, Hästens could be the way to go.

Next, let’s dig into the durability and longevity of these luxury mattresses to understand how they stand the test of time.

Durability and Longevity

When investing in a luxury mattress, durability and longevity are key factors to consider. Both Vispring and Hästens promise long-lasting comfort, but there are differences in their warranties, maintenance requirements, and overall lifespan.

Vispring’s Durability

Vispring mattresses are renowned for their traditional craftsmanship and use of high-quality, natural materials. This meticulous construction contributes to their impressive durability.

  • Warranty: Vispring offers a 30-year guarantee on their mattresses, reflecting their confidence in the product’s longevity. This extensive warranty covers defects in materials and workmanship.

  • Lifespan: With proper care, a Vispring mattress can last decades. The natural materials like wool, cotton, and horsetail hair help maintain the mattress’s integrity over time.

  • Maintenance: One of the key maintenance practices for Vispring mattresses is turning. Due to the natural settlement of materials, it’s recommended to turn the mattress regularly to ensure even wear. This helps in maintaining the comfort and support levels.

  • Flipping: Vispring mattresses are designed to be flipped. This means you use both sides of the mattress, which can significantly extend its lifespan. Regular flipping helps prevent sagging and keeps the mattress feeling fresh and supportive.

Hästens’ Durability

Hästens mattresses are also built to last, combining traditional techniques with modern needs for durability.

  • Warranty: Hästens provides a 25-year warranty against spring and frame breakage. This warranty is a testament to the durability of their products, although it is slightly shorter than Vispring’s.

  • Lifespan: A Hästens mattress can also last a lifetime with proper care. The use of durable materials like hand-teased horsehair and high-quality wool ensures that the mattress remains supportive and comfortable for many years.

  • Maintenance: Regular maintenance is crucial for Hästens mattresses. This includes flipping the mattress at least four times a year. Initially, Hästens’ service team may assist with this, ensuring the mattress wears evenly and maintains its comfort.

  • Flipping: Similar to Vispring, Hästens mattresses are designed to be flipped. This practice helps in distributing wear and tear evenly, preventing any specific area from becoming too compressed or worn out.

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Key Points in Durability:

  • Warranties: Vispring offers a 30-year guarantee, while Hästens provides a 25-year warranty.
  • Maintenance: Both brands require regular flipping to maintain their integrity and comfort.
  • Lifespan: With proper care, both mattresses can last for decades, offering long-term value.

In summary, both Vispring and Hästens excel in durability and longevity, thanks to their use of high-quality materials and traditional craftsmanship. Regular maintenance, including flipping and turning, is essential for maximizing the lifespan of these luxury mattresses.

Next, let’s compare the price and value of Hästens vs. Vispring to see which offers the best investment for your sleep quality.

Price and Value

When it comes to luxury mattresses, price and value are crucial considerations. Both Vispring and Hästens offer premium products, but their pricing strategies and perceived value can differ.

Vispring’s Price

Vispring mattresses are known for their high-quality materials and meticulous craftsmanship, which come at a premium price.

  • Price Range: Vispring mattresses typically start at around $9,000 and can go up to $117,000 for their top-tier models like the Diamond Majesty. This model is renowned for its luxurious fillings and multiple layers of hand-nested pocket springs.

  • Investment: A Vispring mattress is an investment in long-term comfort and durability. The high cost is justified by the use of natural materials such as wool, cotton, cashmere, and horsetail hair, which contribute to the mattress’s longevity and comfort.

  • Value for Money: Despite the high price tag, Vispring offers excellent value for money. The 30-year guarantee and the use of premium materials ensure that you get a mattress that can last decades, making it a worthwhile investment.

  • Affordable Alternatives: For those looking for a more affordable option, Vispring offers entry-level models that still maintain high-quality standards. These models provide a taste of luxury without the hefty price tag of their high-end counterparts.

Hästens’ Price

Hästens mattresses also come with a high price, but they offer a range of options to suit different budgets.

  • Price Range: Hästens mattresses start at around $9,000 and can go up to an astonishing $315,990 for their flagship model, the Vividus. This model is a masterpiece of craftsmanship, taking up to 200 hours to make and using the finest natural materials.

  • Investment: Hästens mattresses are an investment in unparalleled comfort and craftsmanship. The use of materials like hand-teased horsehair, wool, and flax ensures that these mattresses are both comfortable and durable.

  • Value for Money: Hästens offers a 25-year warranty, which, while slightly shorter than Vispring’s, still provides significant long-term value. The regular maintenance required for Hästens mattresses, including flipping, helps maintain their comfort and support over the years.

  • High-End Models and Celebrity Endorsements: Hästens is known for its high-end models and has garnered celebrity endorsements, including from Drake and the Swedish Royal Court. These endorsements add to the brand’s prestige and allure.

  • Entry-Level Options: Hästens also offers entry-level models that provide the brand’s signature comfort and quality at a lower price point. These models are a great way to experience Hästens’ craftsmanship without breaking the bank.

Key Points in Price and Value:

  • Price Range: Both brands start at around $9,000, but Hästens’ high-end models can be significantly more expensive.
  • Investment: Both brands offer excellent long-term value, but Vispring’s longer warranty may provide extra peace of mind.
  • Affordable Alternatives: Both Vispring and Hästens offer entry-level models that provide a more accessible entry point into luxury mattresses.

In summary, while both Vispring and Hästens come with high price tags, they offer exceptional value for money through their use of high-quality materials and craftsmanship. Whether you choose Vispring or Hästens, you’re investing in a mattress that promises comfort and durability for years to come.

Next, let’s look at customer reviews and experiences to see what real users have to say about their Vispring and Hästens mattresses.

Customer Reviews and Experiences

When comparing Hästens vs. Vispring, it’s crucial to look at what customers are saying. Real-world experiences can offer valuable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of each brand.

Positive Reviews

Hästens and Vispring both have their share of satisfied customers who rave about the quality and comfort of their mattresses.

  • Hästens: Many users praise Hästens for its exceptional sleep quality. One long-term user mentioned, “We have been sleeping on this bed for about 15 years now, still amazing.” The horsehair topper, which can be flipped for a refreshed feel, is a highlight for many. Another customer appreciated the in-home service for flipping the topper, saying, “In the beginning for a few years Hästens service team came out and flipped it for us.”

  • Vispring: Customers often highlight Vispring’s luxurious feel and excellent support. The use of natural materials like wool, cotton, and horsetail hair is frequently mentioned as a significant plus. One user noted, “Since getting this mattress, we no longer wake up in pain and look forward to sleeping.”

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Both brands are also praised for their craftsmanship and attention to detail, which contribute to their long-lasting comfort and durability.

Negative Reviews

Despite the glowing reviews, both Hästens and Vispring have received their share of complaints, particularly regarding customer service and comfort issues.

  • Hästens: Some customers have reported poor customer service experiences. One user stated, “We placed the order with them based on their promises, but they have reneged.” Communication issues and unfulfilled promises were also highlighted. Another user complained about the lack of customer support in their location and noted that their mattress was uncomfortable.

  • Vispring: While Vispring generally receives high marks, there are occasional complaints about firmness and comfort. Some users find the mattresses too firm, while others feel they are too soft. Delivery issues and customer service complaints are less common but still present.

Common Complaints Across Both Brands

  • Customer Service: Both Hästens and Vispring have faced criticism for their customer service. Complaints range from poor communication to unfulfilled promises and delayed responses.

  • Delivery Issues: Some users have experienced problems with delivery, including delays and damaged products upon arrival.

  • Comfort Problems: As with any mattress, comfort is subjective. Some users find the mattresses too firm or too soft, leading to discomfort and dissatisfaction.

In summary, while both Hästens and Vispring receive high marks for quality and craftsmanship, they are not without their flaws. Customer service and comfort issues can affect the overall experience, making it essential to consider these factors when choosing between the two brands.

Next, let’s dive into the frequently asked questions about Hästens vs. Vispring to address some common concerns and queries.

Frequently Asked Questions about Hästens vs. Vispring

What is the best alternative to Vispring?

If you’re looking for an alternative to Vispring that offers similar quality but at a more affordable price, consider Winstons Shropshire. This brand is known for using natural fibers and delivering exceptional comfort. Their mattresses are handmade, utilizing materials like wool and cotton, ensuring a luxurious sleep experience without the hefty price tag associated with Vispring.

How long will a Vispring mattress last?

A Vispring mattress is built to last, backed by a 30-year guarantee. The longevity of these mattresses is due to their traditional craftsmanship and the use of high-quality natural materials. However, note that natural settlement occurs over time. To maintain the mattress’s shape and comfort, frequent turning is recommended. This routine helps distribute wear evenly, ensuring your Vispring mattress remains supportive for decades.

How long does a Hästens mattress last?

A Hästens mattress comes with a 25-year warranty, but with proper care, it can last a lifetime. Regular maintenance, including flipping the mattress and its horsehair topper multiple times a year, is crucial. This practice helps maintain its structure and comfort. Hästens beds are designed to be durable, but keeping up with these maintenance routines will ensure you get the most out of your investment.

Next, we’ll explore the materials and construction of both Hästens and Vispring mattresses to understand what makes them unique.


When it comes to choosing between Hästens vs. Vispring mattresses, the decision can be challenging given their high quality and craftsmanship. Both brands offer exceptional sleep experiences, but they cater to different preferences and needs.

At Yawnder, we pride ourselves on providing expert evaluations and unbiased reviews to help you find the perfect mattress. Our team has tested and compared countless mattresses, including luxury options like Hästens and Vispring, to give you the most accurate and helpful information.

Hästens mattresses are known for their softer feel and the sensation of sleeping “in” the bed, always paired with a topper for added comfort. They use premium materials like wool, cotton, and hand-teased horsehair, ensuring a luxurious sleep. However, some customers have reported issues with customer service and maintenance.

On the other hand, Vispring offers a firmer sleep experience, making you feel like you are sleeping “on” the bed. They also use high-quality natural materials such as wool, cotton, cashmere, silk, and horsetail hair. With a strong reputation for durability and a 30-year guarantee, Vispring mattresses are a solid investment. Still, they too have their share of customer service complaints.

The best mattress for you will depend on your personal sleep preferences and budget. We encourage you to explore our natural mattresses for more options that might suit your needs.

At Yawnder, our goal is to help you make an informed decision so you can find the mattress that will give you the best sleep of your life. Whether you choose Hästens, Vispring, or another brand, rest assured that our expert evaluations and unbiased reviews are here to guide you every step of the way.

Have Questions?

Text us at 858-232-5760 for assistance. We’re happy to help!

Mattress Reviews and Guides