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The Ultimate Guide to Sleep-Storming: Understand the Concept

Picture of Ben Trapskin

Ben Trapskin

I have carefully studied and evaluated many mattresses, sheets, pillows, duvet inserts, comforters, sleep gadgets, and adjustable beds for over a deca... Full Bio
a woman lying on a log with a book on her head

How Sleep Benefits Your Productivity and Creative Problem-Solving

What is Sleep-Storming? It’s the remarkable ability to brainstorm and solve problems while you’re asleep, tapping into your brain’s hidden powers.

Here’s a quick understanding:

  • Definition: Sleep-storming, or structured unconscious generative ideation, involves training your brain to generate new ideas while you sleep.
  • Benefits: Improves creativity, solves day-to-day challenges, and boosts productivity.
  • Method: Set an intention before sleep, jot down the problem, and let your brain work on it overnight.

Curious about how a good night’s sleep can also boost your creativity and problem-solving skills? Studies show that sleep, especially REM sleep, plays a vital role in processing complex information and fostering creativity. By relaxing your brain, sleep allows the formation of new neural pathways, just like it did for Einstein with the theory of relativity!

I’m Ben Trapskin, the creator of Yawnder. I’ve learned from personal experience how powerful sleep can be for improving daily performance. Through understanding What is Sleep-Storming, we can open up our brain’s full potential during slumber.

quick guide to sleep-storming - What is Sleep-Storming? infographic infographic-line-3-steps

What is Sleep-Storming?

The Science Behind Sleep-Storming

Sleep-storming, or structured unconscious generative ideation, is a technique where you brainstorm while you’re asleep. It involves using your brain’s natural processes during sleep to come up with creative ideas and solutions. Let’s explore the science behind this fascinating concept.

Brain Activity and REM Sleep

When you sleep, your brain doesn’t just shut down. Instead, it goes through various stages, including REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep. REM sleep is particularly important for creativity and problem-solving. During this stage, your brain is highly active, almost as if you were awake. This is when your subconscious mind can work on complex issues without the distractions of daily life.

Subconscious Mind at Work

Your subconscious mind is like a supercomputer running in the background, processing information and making connections that your conscious mind might miss. By setting an intention before sleep, you can direct your subconscious to focus on specific problems. This is why writing down your problem or question before bed can be so effective. It primes your brain to work on it while you sleep.

Creative Ideation During Sleep

Many famous ideas and inventions have reportedly come from dreams. For instance, Einstein’s theory of relativity and the invention of the sewing machine both have roots in sleep-inspired ideas. When you sleep-storm, you’re tapping into this same potential. By allowing your brain to relax and enter REM sleep, you enable it to form new neural pathways and generate innovative solutions.

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How Sleep-Storming Works

  1. Set an Intention: Before going to bed, think about a problem you want to solve.
  2. Write it Down: Jot down your thoughts in a notebook to engage your subconscious mind.
  3. Relax: Focus on something calming, like reading or listening to soothing sounds, to prepare for sleep.

By following these steps, you can harness the power of your subconscious mind to brainstorm while you sleep. This technique not only boosts creativity but also makes problem-solving more efficient.

brainstorming while asleep - What is Sleep-Storming?

Next, we’ll explore practical tips for practicing sleep-storming and how to incorporate it into your nightly routine.

How to Practice Sleep-Storming

Keep a Notebook Handy

Dream recall is crucial for effective sleep-storming. Keep a notebook and pen by your bed to jot down any ideas or dreams immediately upon waking. Michael Acton Smith, co-founder of Calm, swears by this method. He mentions, “I often wake up in the night to jot down ideas – and then do so again first thing in the morning.”

By writing down every dream you can remember, you build a relationship with your subconscious. This practice not only helps you capture more ideas but also improves your overall dream recall.

Ask Your Subconscious the Question

Thomas Edison, the great inventor, advised, “Never go to sleep without a request to your subconscious.” Before you fall asleep, prime your mind by asking yourself the question you’re trying to answer. Write it down in your notebook.

Then, focus on something else, like reading or relaxation techniques, to let your subconscious take over. This method helps your brain work on the problem while you sleep, increasing the chances of waking up with a solution.

Wake Yourself Mid-Sleep

Both Salvador Dalí and Thomas Edison used a technique to capture ideas from their dreams. Dalí would hold a spoon over a tin plate while dozing off. When he fell asleep, the spoon would drop, waking him up and allowing him to capture the fleeting ideas from his dream state.

You can try a similar method. Use an object that will make a noise when it falls, waking you up mid-sleep. This can help you capture those creative ideas that often come during the dream state.

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Learn to Have Lucid Dreams

Lucid dreaming allows you to be aware that you are dreaming and even control elements of your dream. This state can be incredibly useful for sleep-storming as it lets you explore ideas more freely and remember them better.

To learn lucid dreaming, repeat a mantra before sleep, such as “I will be aware that I am dreaming.” With practice, you can improve your dream control and recall, making your sleep-storming sessions even more productive.

By incorporating these techniques into your nightly routine, you can maximize your creative potential and problem-solving abilities while you sleep.

Benefits of Sleep-Storming

Real-Life Examples of Sleep-Inspired Ideas

Sleep-storming isn’t just a fancy term; it has real benefits. Let’s explore how it can boost creativity, problem-solving, and productivity. Plus, we’ll look at some famous examples of sleep-inspired ideas.

Improved Creativity

When you sleep, your brain doesn’t shut down. Instead, it becomes a playground for creativity. By setting an intention before sleep, you prime your brain to work on problems. This can lead to new and innovative ideas.


Ever wake up with a solution to a problem you couldn’t solve the day before? That’s sleep-storming at work. Your subconscious mind processes information differently than your conscious mind, often finding solutions that you wouldn’t think of while awake.

Productivity Boost

Imagine solving problems or generating ideas while you sleep. This makes your waking hours more productive. You can hit the ground running with fresh ideas and solutions, saving time and effort.

Real-Life Examples of Sleep-Inspired Ideas

Einstein’s Theory of Relativity

Albert Einstein reportedly came up with the theory of relativity during a dream. This groundbreaking idea changed our understanding of the universe. It’s a prime example of how sleep can foster incredible creativity.

Periodic Table of Elements

Dmitri Mendeleev, the Russian chemist, dreamt of the periodic table. He saw the elements arranged in a specific order, which led to his creation of the periodic table we use today. Talk about a productive nap!

Sewing Machine Invention

Elias Howe, the inventor of the sewing machine, had a dream about being captured by cannibals. In his dream, they were holding spears with holes near the tips. This gave him the idea to place the eye of the needle near the point, revolutionizing sewing machines.

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These examples show that sleep-storming isn’t just a gimmick. It’s a powerful tool that has led to some of the most important findies and inventions in history.

Next, let’s dive into some frequently asked questions about sleep-storming and how to make the most of this technique.

Frequently Asked Questions about Sleep-Storming

Is broken sleep as good as solid sleep?

No, broken sleep is not as good as solid sleep.

Solid sleep is crucial for maintaining a healthy immune system. Consistent, uninterrupted sleep helps your body resist infections and reduces inflammation. When sleep is broken, your body can’t complete its natural healing processes effectively.

Is broken sleep bad for you?

Yes, broken sleep can be harmful.

It can lead to several health issues, including:

  • Hypertension: Interrupted sleep can raise your blood pressure.
  • Cardiovascular Disease: Poor sleep quality is linked to heart problems.
  • Metabolic Syndrome: Broken sleep can disrupt your metabolism, leading to weight gain and other issues.

How do you sleep when it’s storming?

Sleeping during a storm can be challenging due to lightning flashes and loud thunder. Here are some tips to help you get a good night’s sleep:

  • Blackout Blinds or Curtains: These can block out lightning flashes and create a dark environment, which is conducive to sleep.
  • White Noise Machines: The consistent sound can help drown out the noise of the storm.
  • Earplugs: If the storm is too loud, earplugs can help reduce the noise.

By following these tips, you can improve your sleep quality even during a storm.


Sleep-storming is an exciting technique that combines the power of sleep with creative problem-solving. By setting intentions before bed and engaging in practices like lucid dreaming, we can open up our brain’s potential to generate innovative ideas while we snooze.

At Yawnder, we understand the importance of quality sleep in enhancing productivity and creativity. That’s why we offer a variety of sleep products designed to help you get the best rest possible. From mattresses to pillows, our expert evaluations ensure that you find the perfect sleep solutions custom to your needs.

By incorporating sleep-storming into your nightly routine and using our top-notch sleep products, you can make the most of your sleep time and wake up ready to tackle any challenge. Here’s to better sleep and brighter ideas!

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