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A Comprehensive Guide to Somadome: Everything You Need to Know

Picture of Ben Trapskin

Ben Trapskin

I have carefully studied and evaluated many mattresses, sheets, pillows, duvet inserts, comforters, sleep gadgets, and adjustable beds for over a deca... Full Bio

The Future of Meditation: Finding Somadome

Looking for a new way to meditate more effectively? Meet the Somadome, the world’s first technology-enabled meditation pod. Combining cutting-edge tech with ancient healing modalities, it promises to boost wellness and relaxation in just 20 minutes.

Key Features of Somadome:
Color Light Therapy: Uses different colors to influence your mind and body.
Energy Medicine: Employs magnets and crystals to improve energy flow and alignment.
Sound Therapy: Incorporates binaural beats to change brainwave states and relax you.

The Somadome provides a tranquil escape in our always-on world. This high-tech wellness sanctuary uses LED lights, binaural beats, and microcrystalline tiles to create a unique meditation experience. With 20 different sessions to choose from, it’s easy to find your inner peace regardless of your needs.

I’m Ben Trapskin, the creator of Yawnder. Several years ago, my stressful job left me with trouble sleeping, which led me on a journey to find sleep and relaxation solutions. I’ve researched and tested various wellness technologies, and I believe the Somadome is a remarkable addition for anyone looking to improve their mental and physical well-being.

What is Somadome?

Somadome is a groundbreaking wellness technology designed to offer a personal retreat for meditation and relaxation. Imagine stepping into a futuristic pod that combines ancient practices with modern technology to help you find inner peace and balance. That’s what Somadome delivers.

High-Tech Wellness

At its core, Somadome is a high-tech wellness device. It integrates advanced technologies like color light therapy, energy medicine, and sound therapy to create an immersive meditation experience. This is not your typical meditation practice; it’s a leap into the future of personal wellness.

Personal Retreat

Think of Somadome as your own personal retreat. The pod’s structure is designed to block out external distractions, creating a private sanctuary where you can disconnect from the outside world. It’s like having a mini spa session whenever you need it.

Meditation Experience

The meditation experience inside the Somadome is unique. You can choose from 20 different intention-based sessions, each lasting 20 minutes. These sessions are custom to help with various aspects of life, from mental performance to physical wellness.

meditation experience - Somadome

Light Therapy

One of the key features of Somadome is its use of color light therapy. The dome lights up with different colors that correlate with your chosen session’s intention. These colors are designed to transform your mind and body, helping you achieve a specific mental state.

Binaural Beats

Binaural beats are another essential component of the Somadome experience. These are special sound frequencies that can alter your brainwaves and promote relaxation. When you put on the headphones inside the pod, you’ll hear different tones in each ear, creating a binaural beat that helps you reach a meditative state.

Guided Meditation

For those new to meditation, guided meditation tracks are available. An ethereal voice guides you through the session, helping you focus and relax. This makes it easier to disconnect and dive deep into your meditation practice.

In summary, Somadome is a cutting-edge meditation pod that combines light therapy, binaural beats, and guided meditation to offer a unique and effective wellness experience. Whether you’re looking to improve your mental performance, recharge, or simply find a moment of peace, Somadome provides the perfect solution.

How Does Somadome Work?

Somadome uses a blend of ancient practices and modern technology to create a unique meditation experience. Let’s break down how it works:

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Color Light Therapy

Color light therapy in the Somadome uses different colors to influence your mind and body. The dome lights up with colors that match the intention of your session. For example, blue might be used for relaxation, while red could be for energy. These colors help transform your mental state and support your goals for the session.

Energy Medicine

Energy medicine in the Somadome involves several components:

  • Magnets: Positioned in the base of the dome, these magnets block harmful frequencies and help remove energy blockages.
  • Crystal Strip: Running along your spine, this strip activates your body’s seven main energy centers, or chakras. This encourages alignment and balance of your energy.
  • Chi Flow: By removing blockages, the magnets and crystal strip help improve the flow of chi, or life energy, through your body.

Sound Therapy

Sound therapy in the Somadome uses binaural beats, phase modulation, and varying frequencies to help you reach different states of consciousness. Here’s how it works:

  • Binaural Beats: These are sounds that play at slightly different frequencies in each ear. Your brain processes these differences and creates a third tone, which can help you relax, focus, or sleep.
  • Phase Modulation: This technique changes the phase of sound waves to create specific effects in your brain.
  • Varying Frequencies: Different frequencies are used to guide your brain into various states, such as deep relaxation or heightened focus.

Microcrystalline Tiles

The microcrystalline tiles in the Somadome’s base provide additional energy healing. These tiles work with the magnets and crystal strip to improve the overall experience, helping to align your chakras and improve your chi flow.

By combining these elements, Somadome offers a holistic approach to meditation that can help you achieve mind-body balance and deeper states of relaxation and awareness.

Benefits of Using Somadome

Mind Benefits

Somadome can help you stop obsessive thoughts and improve your mind-body connection. The combination of color light therapy and binaural beats creates a serene environment that makes it easier to quiet your mind. This can be particularly helpful if you struggle with constant mental chatter.

Another benefit is the ability to heal the body. By reducing stress and promoting relaxation, Somadome can help your body recover from daily wear and tear. Users have reported feeling more balanced and less reactive after sessions.

You can also manifest magic in your life. The focused intention-based sessions guide you to visualize and attract positive outcomes, enhancing your overall well-being.

Body Benefits

Somadome is designed to reduce inflammation and speed recovery. The energy medicine aspect, including magnets and microcrystalline tiles, helps to unblock your chi flow, which can reduce physical discomfort and promote faster healing.

Another key benefit is the ability to increase your chi. This life force energy is crucial for maintaining vitality and overall health. Regular sessions can help you feel more energetic and vibrant.

Finally, Somadome can help transform your body. The relaxation and focused intention can lead to better physical performance and quicker recovery times, making it a useful tool for athletes and fitness enthusiasts.

Spirit Benefits

On a spiritual level, Somadome encourages you to practice surrender. This means letting go of control and trusting the process, which can lead to profound personal growth.

The pod also helps you remove blocks that may be hindering your spiritual progress. The crystal strip along your spine works to align your chakras, making it easier to connect with your higher self.

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Lastly, Somadome can help you become a happier being and love more. The combination of therapies promotes inner peace and emotional well-being, making it easier to cultivate love and happiness in your life.

How to Use Somadome

What to Wear in a Somadome

When using Somadome, comfort is key. Opt for comfortable clothing that allows you to relax fully. Think cozy clothes like soft leggings, loose tops, or even your favorite loungewear. The goal is to feel as at ease as possible, so avoid anything restrictive or tight.

Session Selection

Somadome offers twenty different intention-based sessions designed to cater to various needs. Whether you’re aiming for mental performance, physical wellness, or just need to recharge, there’s a session for you. Each session is 20 minutes long, making it easy to fit into your day.

Meditation Tracks

You’ll find a variety of meditation tracks to choose from. These tracks range from guided meditations that walk you through the process to binaural beats that help your brain achieve specific states. The tracks are designed to be immersive, utilizing soundscapes like undulating waves, rushing water, and birds chirping to block out distracting thoughts.

Guided Meditation

For those new to meditation or looking for more structure, guided meditation sessions are a great choice. An ethereal voice will guide you through the experience, helping you focus and relax.

Binaural Beats

If you prefer to let your mind wander, try sessions with binaural beats. These tracks use different tones in each ear to create a calming effect, promoting relaxation and mental clarity.

Comfort Tips

  • Leave your phone outside: This isn’t just to help you disconnect; the pod blocks out electromagnetic fields, so bringing your phone inside defeats the purpose.
  • Use the headphones: They help block out external noise and immerse you in the meditation track.
  • Adjust the fan: If it gets stuffy, remember there’s a fan you can turn on for ventilation. Ask the staff if you need help finding it.

By following these tips and choosing the right session, you can make the most out of your Somadome experience.

Where to Find and Purchase Somadome

Cost of Somadome

The Somadome is a high-end meditation pod designed for wellness and relaxation. The cost to acquire a Somadome starts at $13,000. This price includes a three-month recovery period and a scaled use-based plan.

For commercial entities like spas and wellness centers, this model is attractive because the return on investment (ROI) is significant. On average, guests pay around $50 per session, and most spas book between 5 to 7 sessions daily. For those who prefer to purchase the Somadome outright, the cost is $35,000.

Locations Offering Somadome

Somadome is available at several high-end locations, including spas, wellness resorts, universities, and corporations. Here are some notable places where you can find and experience the Somadome:

  • CORE: Club: Located in Midtown Manhattan, this ultra-exclusive social club frequented by New York’s elite features the Somadome in its Institute of Skinovation.

  • Institute of Skinovation: A high-end skincare clinic located within the CORE: Club, offering Somadome sessions to its clients.

  • Ojai Valley Inn & Spa: This luxury resort in Santa Barbara, CA, includes the Somadome as part of its wellness offerings.

  • Four Seasons Westlake Village: Located in Los Angeles, this renowned resort also offers Somadome sessions to its guests.

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Somadome has also been integrated into various universities and corporate wellness programs, providing a unique meditation experience to students and employees.

Purchase Information

To purchase a Somadome or for more details, you can visit the official Somadome website. The website provides comprehensive information on pricing, installation, and the various benefits of the Somadome. For direct inquiries, you can contact their sales team through the contact details provided on the website.

By offering a unique combination of color therapy, sound therapy, and energy medicine, the Somadome provides a transformative meditation experience that is accessible in high-end locations and available for purchase.

Frequently Asked Questions about Somadome

What does a Somadome do?

The Somadome is a high-tech meditation pod designed to help you achieve deep relaxation and mindfulness. It combines light therapy, binaural beats, and guided meditation to create a unique wellness experience. Users can select from various intention-based sessions, such as mental performance or physical wellness, which use different colors and sound frequencies to align the mind and body. The pod helps block out external distractions, allowing you to focus inward and achieve a meditative state.

What to wear in a Somadome?

When using the Somadome, it’s best to wear comfortable clothing. Think cozy clothes that you might wear for yoga or lounging at home. The goal is to be as relaxed as possible, so avoid tight or restrictive clothing. This will help you fully enjoy the meditative experience without any physical discomfort.

Where can I buy a Somadome?

You can purchase a Somadome directly from their official website. The website offers detailed information on pricing, installation, and the various benefits of the Somadome. For specific purchase inquiries, you can contact their sales team through the contact details provided on the website. The Somadome is also available at select high-end spas and wellness resorts if you prefer to experience it before making a purchase.


In summary, the Somadome is a high-tech wellness pod designed to improve your meditation experience through a combination of color light therapy, sound therapy, and energy medicine. It offers a unique and immersive environment that helps you disconnect from the outside world and achieve a state of deep relaxation.


The Somadome provides numerous benefits:

  • Mind: It helps stop obsessive thoughts, improves the mind-body connection, and promotes mental clarity.
  • Body: It can reduce inflammation, speed up recovery, and increase chi flow.
  • Spirit: It aids in connecting with your higher self, removing emotional blocks, and fostering a sense of happiness.


Using the Somadome is straightforward. You can select from various intention-based sessions such as mental performance, physical wellness, or recharge. Each session is guided by binaural beats and color therapy to help you achieve your desired mental state. Comfort is key, so wearing cozy clothing is recommended for the best experience.

Yawnder Expert Evaluations

At Yawnder, we are committed to helping you find the perfect sleep products. Our expert evaluations and comprehensive reviews ensure you make informed decisions. The Somadome has been reviewed positively for its innovative approach to meditation and wellness.

For more insights and reviews on sleep products, check out our mattress reviews page.

In conclusion, the Somadome offers a modern solution for achieving deep relaxation and meditation. Whether you are a novice or an experienced practitioner, this technology-enabled pod can help you open up the many benefits of meditation and improve your overall well-being.

Have Questions?

Text us at 858-232-5760 for assistance. We’re happy to help!

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